The company had its beginning in Sierra Leone when Mr. G.B Zochonis and Mr. G.H Paterson met Freetown in the 1870s and formed a trading company by name of Paterson, Zonchonis and company limited, which was incorporated as a private company under English law in February 1884 with a registered office in Liverpool, England. In 1886 the office was transferred from Liverpool to Manchester which has remained the headquarters of the company ever since.

The main business of the company was that of general merchants and was active for many years in the export of West Africa products such as cotton, maize, groundnut, palm products. The company had a number of trading posts through out West Africa which operated four small coastal sailing schooners. The first branch of the company was opened in Nigeria at Lagos in 1899. In 1903 a branch was established in Calabar and in 1912 the Nigeria branch included Ibadan, Iliorin, Oshogbo and Kano, at present the company operates branches in most major cities and towns of the country.

The Nigerian branch was incorporated in Nigeria in August 1969 as Paterson Zochonis and company (Nigeria) limited and as a wholly owned subsidiary of Paterson Zochonis & co Ltd of Manchester England. The company changed to its present name Pz Cussons in July 2007 with the change heritage of “Pz” is being retained and added to the strength of the “Cussons” internationally recognized brands. This is an amalgamation of the values that have carried the company through one hundred years of Nigerian history with the dynamism of the brands that are responding to customers of Pz products. 

Pz Industries products

Soaps and Detergents; They are involved in the manufacturing of laundry soaps such as Duck bar, tempo bar and tab, zip tab, Canoe tab. Personal care and toilet soaps ranges comprises of Joy beauty soap, imperial leather, Carex soap, premier. Detergents comprises of Elephant, Jet, Zip, Tempo, Elephant gold, Elephant Colour and Rex Detergent. 

Health and Beauty; The beauty care are products such as Joy powder, Joy lip gloss, Joy roil-on, Joy cologne, Venus gold spray, Venus lotion, Venus cream, Desure cream, Galaxy cream, Stella powder and pomade, Venus skin tone etc. Health care products comprises of Robb ointment, Supper Robb, Heatol extras, Tazan balm, Robert Paracetamol, Supper capsule etc. Baby products comprises Cussons baby soap, Cussons powder, Cussons Jelly, Cussons oil, Cussons lotion, Nigerian baby jelly, Nigeria baby jell and lotion etc. 

Nutrition And Beverages: This also a subsidiary company of Pz industries, which has started manufacturing of diary products such as Nunu milk, power first, Olympic and Coast milk. Pz industries have been appointed sole distributors for these products and will derive a fee income for its services.

PZ Electronics: Pz industries is also involved in manufacturing and marketing of house hold appliances and electronics. which comprises Hairer Thermo cool appliances such as Refrigerators, Gas cookers, Fans, Electric iron, Microwave ovens, Air-conditioners, Television, Home theatre ,water dispensers apart from the production of Pharmaceuticals, Electronics, Medicaments, Perfumes, Nutrition and Beverage products, Pz industries Plc also produces and exports Crude glycerin, a bye-product of soap production and palm kernel cake, a bye-product of palm kernel oil PKO) production. Pz industries were one of the first to introduce and apply modern techniques in the production of soap in Nigeria as opposed the former local methods of production. Even more interesting to note is the automation of most of their manufacturing processes to reduce human labour, reducing production time while increasing efficiency and output tremendously. 

An essential fact of the organizational structure is that individuals where they are on the ladder and what to aspire to become, certain technical staff have a limit to which they can rise, but any of the top managers can be promoted or appointed a director to take care of his special area at the policy making level. A business set up without a clear organizational structure does not inspire any worker. At times when people rise to the top of their structure, they become frustrated after years when there is nothing to aspire to any longer. The management then has to be very imaginative and create challenges for them while continuing to ensure good incentives. For some organizations with branches, a hard working staff in such position may be sent to go and revamp another branch. 

As noted by Pine and Galimore (2009), for any organization to experience any strategic changes in its business, there should be a good communication process passed on through the organizational structure to present a clear picture of the new policies and strategies. Organizations have good and effective means of information through its staff. Its organizational change is strategically achieved through the staff by clear definition of responsibilities by each level of the structure in the organization (Pine Galimore 2009).

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