Otsuka Toshimi Scholarship Foundation: How to Make Your Mark

The Otsuka Toshimi Scholarship Foundation is one of Japan’s most prominent scholarship foundations and offers four different scholarship programs to highly motivated individuals who wish to pursue their academic dreams in Japan.

If you have applied to the foundation, congratulations! This article will help you learn more about the different scholarship programs available to you as well as help you make your mark on the Otsuka Toshimi Scholarship Foundation and Japan in general.

This article also provides information on how to apply, where to go after your scholarship, and other important details regarding this program. Good luck!

Otsuka Toshimi Scholarship Foundation

Who is Otsuka Toshimi?

Otsuka Toshimi was a Japanese businessman who founded Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. in July 1917 and built it into one of Japan’s leading pharmaceutical companies.

Today, Otsuka Pharmaceutical is engaged in research and development, manufacturing, and marketing of pharmaceutical products.

As part of our corporate philosophy, Creating new value through medicine: We are committed to creating new medicines that improve people’s health worldwide while contributing toward a better quality of life for everyone.

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Otsuka Pharmaceutical strives to be a socially responsible company, providing innovative medicines that make people happier and healthier in every corner of the world.

Our corporate vision is inspired by Otsuka Toshimi’s teachings. The Otsuka Toshimi Scholarship Foundation was established as a nonprofit organization in 2005 with donations from employees and friends of Otsuka Pharmaceutical Company Limited (OPC) as well as with support from Mr. Toshiaki Yamada, Chairman of OPC at that time.

The purpose of establishing the foundation was to provide financial assistance to students pursuing higher education so they can achieve their dreams and contribute positively to society.

In addition, it also aims to cultivate future leaders who will take on global challenges facing humanity today by offering scholarships for graduate school students at universities outside Japan as well as undergraduate students at universities within Japan.

Guidelines for Applicants

The applicant is required to submit his/her high school report card and official transcript with a personal statement detailing their reasons for applying, their goals in life, a description of what they believe makes them unique as a student, and an explanation of how they hope an OTSUKA scholarship will help them achieve these goals.

In addition, two letters of recommendation are required. One must be from a teacher and one may be from any adult role model.

A third recommendation may also be submitted by email with all other application documents.

The overall goal is for students to get involved with organizations within our community that challenge them academically, spiritually, and socially so that they may continue to achieve exceptional accomplishments throughout their lifetime as well as become good citizens of society who will take care of our fragile environment.

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Applicants must be at least junior high school students but no older than 20 years old by March 31 of that year.

Applicants may be from any country, and there is no limit on nationality or gender. Any applicant who is not a national of Japan must have been living in Japan for at least five years.

The award can only be received once. Applications are accepted between January 1 and February 28 of each year. Applicants will receive an answer via email before June 30 of that same year.

A scholarship committee will select up to four finalists, who will be asked to submit a statement about their intended use of their prize money (up to 10 pages) as well as one piece of artwork (one original piece or ten copies).

All four finalists will receive 500,000 each (the actual monetary value may vary slightly depending on exchange rates).

If you are awarded a scholarship, you must attend either an art school or a college or university full-time within three months after receiving your prize money.

Failure to do so means forfeiture of your prize money. However, it does not mean disqualification from future competitions.

Timelines and Deadlines:

One of the main things that sets scholarships apart from most other types of aid is that they have a definite deadline.

If you don’t meet that deadline, your application will be considered late and you may be disqualified from consideration.

It’s important to put in a lot of time and effort into planning for when you’ll apply for awards — not only for scholarships but also for financial aid, work study programs, internships, etc.

Be sure to create a timeline and be certain that all deadlines are met before you start applying (and make sure you don’t neglect important tasks in favor of meeting those deadlines).

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Things to Consider Before Applying

If you’re looking for a way to help other people, consider applying for a scholarship. There are thousands of options out there, and some even focus on helping you fulfill your goal of doing good.

This year, the Otsuka Toshimi Scholarship Foundation gave away over one million dollars in scholarship money to students who have demonstrated financial need and plan to give back to their communities.

Here’s how you can apply for an award that will let you do just that.

Every other details of the scholarship and the application Portal link all available Here.

On What You Can Do After Being Awarded the Fellowship

The Otsuka Toshimi Fellowship is awarded annually, and any individual can be a recipient if he or she meets a set of requirements.

The award was introduced by Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. in 1983 and is administered through the Nippon Foundation, with support from other companies.

This award comes with a cash prize, which was around $17,000 for 2016 but varies each year.

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