Overnight Summer Camps for High School Students (The 20 Coolest Ever)

If you’re a high school student, overnight summer camps for high school students can be the best part of your year. With planned activities, friends who share common interests, and a chance to explore easily, overnight camps are the ultimate escape, but only if you have the right fit.

With so many summer camps for 13-year-olds, ranging from activities to sports and arts, it isn’t easy to know where to start. Well, help is here. In this article, we’ve created a list of high school students’ top 20 overnight camps.

Here’s the Answer to the Overnight Summer Camps for High School Students

Summer camps for high school students are the best ways to learn and make new friends, so it’s no wonder thousands of campers attend these overnight camps every year.

These camps are excellent opportunities for getting involved with fun activities and traveling with friends, so don’t hesitate to join them.

What to Bring to Overnight Summer Camp

One of the most exciting parts of going to overnight summer camps for high school students is packing your trunk with all the things you’re going to need.

When it comes to what to bring to overnight summer camp, packing light is great, but don’t forget to pack your swimsuit, sleeping bag, and even your toothbrush.

1. Swimsuit

You’ll need to pack a bathing suit for your overnight camp experience every day.

If you’re going to be swimming in a lake or river, make sure you have shorts or trunks that won’t get caught on rocks or sticks along the shoreline.

Also, bring flip-flops or water shoes so you can walk around without getting your feet wet.

2. Towels and washcloths

You’ll need these daily items at your overnight camp. Towels help dry off after swimming or showering, while washcloths are great for keeping clean hands during meals or before bedtime routines. Pack two towels per person and one washcloth per person — plus one extra towel each just in case.

3. Shoes or sandals

If you’re walking around outside, ensure you have comfortable shoes or sandals that can handle mud and puddles (and whatever else might be on the ground).

4. Pajamas and PJ pants/sweatshirt combo

A pair of pajamas is essential because every kid seems to get cold at some point during the night — even in summer.

And if it gets cold, put on an extra layer such as a sweatshirt or sweatshirt/pajama combination (such as a zip-up hoodie with built-in footies).

Overnight Culinary Summer Camps for High School Students

Looking for an out-of-the-ordinary summer experience? Immerse yourself in the exciting world of cuisine by attending one of the overnight culinary summer camps for high school students.

Not only will you be learning about cooking and food preparation, but you’ll also gain valuable hands-on experience that you can put on your resume once you’ve finished high school.

Overnight summer camps for high school students even help students realize an area of interest they didn’t know existed before like learning how to deftly cut their way through a fresh fish, cook a perfect omelet, and even how to excel at cake decorating.

At Overnight Culinary Summer Camps, students will learn the fundamentals of culinary arts, including knife skills, cooking techniques, and menu planning.

Students are encouraged to work together in teams on various cooking projects and enjoy the opportunity to work with professional chefs.

6. Culinary Arts Camps

Culinary schools and restaurants around the country offer summer camps for high school students interested in learning more about the culinary arts.

These programs usually occur on college campuses or at local kitchens and restaurants. Some schools may even offer housing for students participating in summer camps for teenage girls.

7. Big Apple Culinary Academy

The Big Apple Culinary Academy offers a variety of summer programs for teens, including baking and pastry arts, culinary arts, food science and management, nutrition and dietetics, and food service management. Students can choose from day or overnight sessions.

8. High School Culinary Camps

At these overnight culinary summer camps, high school students will learn everything they need to know about preparing healthy meals while they’re having fun with friends.

During each day-long session, participants will participate in hands-on activities such as making fresh salads or baking homemade cookies using basic ingredients that you would find at home.

9. Culinary Adventures Camps

Offers several programs including an overnight camp in Napa Valley, California. The camp features hands-on experience with an expert chef, as well as visits from winemakers and vineyard owners.

Students will prepare dishes from different regions around the world, from Mexico to France and more. This program takes place over three days and two nights.

10. The International Culinary Center

A professional cooking school has an overnight summer camp for teens that includes hands-on training in New York City.

Participants will learn how to cook Italian food as well as baking skills such as making pies and cakes. The program runs for five days and four nights at ICC’s campus in New York City.

Overnight Summer Programs for High School Students

Are you looking for an exciting overnight summer program for your high school student? Here are some of the best overnight summer programs that will get you and your teen ready for the next school year.

11. Adventure Leadership Training (ALT)

ALT is a national program that combines outdoor adventure with leadership development. The program is designed for teens ages 13-18 interested in public service and preparing for outdoor careers.

ALT exposes youth to the skills necessary to manage risk and make sound decisions under pressure.

ALT also allows participants to explore their potential as leaders through challenges such as team-building exercises, white water rafting, climbing walls, canoeing, and backpacking trips.

Participants gain valuable skills that prepare them more for college or career paths after high school. The program’s cost varies depending on location.

Still, it is $1950 for two weeks, including meals, transportation, and lodging at one of five locations: Washington DC, West Virginia, New York City, Maryland, or California.

12. Discovery Academy

Discovery Academy is a summer program that allows students to explore, learn and grow in a safe, enriching environment.

Students enroll in an academic program that includes English language arts, math, and science classes.

The program also offers elective courses that help students develop the skills needed to succeed in coll
ege and the workforce.

Discovery Academy offers over 1,000 online courses from more than 150 accredited universities.

Students who take advantage of this opportunity can earn up to 16 credits toward their high school diploma or GED.

13. Academic Summer Enrichment Program (ASEP)

They are designed for high school students with basic knowledge of mathematics and reading. Students will take mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics, and English courses.

Students will also have the opportunity to take college-level courses through Concorde College or the University of South Carolina Upstate during the summer program.

13. The Odyssey Experience (Ages 12-18)

The Odyssey Experience is a classic summer program that offers students the opportunity to travel around the world. Students will spend two weeks abroad in a foreign country, learning about history, culture, and language.

Participants also have time to explore on their own and enjoy some free time before returning home. This program is perfect for any student who loves traveling and learning about other cultures.

14. National Louis University Overnight Summer Program (Ages 14-17)

This program is designed specifically for high school students who want to get ahead academically during the summer months.

The National Louis University Overnight Summer Program provides one-week sessions where students can focus on math, science, or English and earn college credit while still in high school.

15. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Overnight Summer Program (Ages 16-19)

If your student wants to get ahead academically while still in high school, then this is the program for them. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign offers several different options.

16. Dental Hygiene Camp

Prepare for Dental Hygiene School or Dental Assisting School by learning about dental hygiene and dental assisting in this two-week program that takes place over an entire week.

Students will learn about all aspects of these careers and finish the week with a day at the dentist’s office where they get hands-on experience with different instruments and procedures. This camp runs in Calgary and Toronto.

Summer Camp Activities for High School Students

High school students can learn something new, enjoy themselves and make lifelong friends during overnight summer camp.

There are many options of summer camp activities for high school students to choose from, depending on the type of activities you’re interested in.

17. Writing Camp

Writing camp is an excellent way for teens to spend their summer because it combines the best of both worlds: summer fun and school.

Writing camp is perfect for teens who love to write and want an intensive writing experience. They’ll get individualized attention from an experienced teacher who can help them improve their skills and develop their style.

When they’re not writing, they’ll be able to relax with other students at camp in a fun environment that promotes creativity and self-expression.

18. Adventure Camps

Consider an adventure camp if you’re looking for something adventurous and exciting. The summer camp for 13-year-olds near me usually focuses on outdoor activities like hiking, rock climbing, or mountain biking.

They often occur at remote locations, allowing you to get away from it all and experience nature in its rawest form. You’ll learn wilderness survival skills and enjoy team-building activities while having fun with your friends.

19. Music Camps

Music camps are another popular summer option for high school students. Some music camps focus on instruments like guitar or piano; others offer more general instruction in singing and songwriting.

If you want to learn how to play an instrument but have never had the opportunity, this is your chance.

Music camps can be expensive depending on how much instruction time is included, but they’re well worth the expense if you enjoy making music as much as playing it.

Top Summer Camps For High School Students

Whether you’re looking to try something new or continue with something you’re good at, these top summer camps for high school students offer plenty of options for high school students.

20. Sports camps

Sports camps are a great way for teens to keep active during the summer. Some sports camps focus on a particular sport or activity, while others offer more general training.

Sports camps are often held on college campuses and include dormitory accommodations and meals. If you’re interested in swimming or gymnastics, check out swim camps or cheerleading camps.

If you want to play football or basketball, look into football or basketball camps held at major universities around the country.

21. YMCA Camps

The YMCA has various summer camp options available for high scholars. Each camp offers something different depending on your student’s interests and needs.

For example, if you love music, there is a music camp that will teach them how to play instruments and sing songs in a fun environment with other like-minded folks.

There are also overnight summer camps for high school students near me explicitly designed for athletes who want to improve their skills in sports like baseball or basketball.

For those students who wish to be more active this summer without having to worry about academics, there are adventure camps where students can get outside and hike through nature while learning about wildlife.

Best Academic Summer Camps for High School Students

22. High School Summer Program at Yale University

Yale Summer Session is an academically challenging summer program for motivated high school students who want to experience college life and explore the world of ideas.

Students will live on campus and take courses in English, history, mathematics, and computer science. Classes are taught by Yale faculty and lecturers from around the world; many are leaders in their fields.

Students also have opportunities to interact with other students from around the globe through lectures, music performances, sporting events, and social gatherings.

23. Summer Language Institute at UCLA

Summer Language Institute at UCLA is a free, four-week language camp for high school students.

Students who have completed grades 10-12 can choose from Spanish, French, or Chinese to study at the program’s on-campus location in Los Angeles.

The summer camps for teenage girls run from June 26-August 2 and offer an intensive immersion experience with other high school students. All classes are taught by native speakers who are experts in their field.

Campers can also take advantage of several extracurricular activities during their free time: they can participate in workshops on topics like college life or cultural traditions; they can attend field trips, and they can explore Los Angeles through its many museums and restaurants.

24. Stanford Summer Arts Institute (SSAI)

Stanford University’s School of Humanities and Sciences offers the Stanford Summer Arts
Institute, a summer program for high school students.

The program includes courses in the arts, science, mathematics, language studies, and entrepreneurship.

The SSAI is open to students entering grades 10 through 12 who have been in their current school for at least one year.

If you’re interested in participating but your school doesn’t offer these courses, you can take it as an independent study with your guidance counselor’s approval.

Offered in conjunction with the Stanford Center for Professional Development, SSAI is held at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. It runs from June 26 through August 5 each year.

25. Coding Summer Camps for High School Students

Coding is another popular option for high school students looking to improve their computer literacy during the summer months.

Coding summer camps teach students how to use coding languages like HTML, CSS, and Javascript through hands-on projects and activities. Some coding summer camps also offer activities like robot building or video game design that allow students to apply what they’ve learned in a fun environment.

Robotics summer camps are often held at universities or technology companies where they can utilize advanced equipment such as 3D printers and even drones to build robots at home after camp is over.

Overnight Summer Camps for High School Students (FAQ)

What’s the youngest age for sleepaway camp?

The youngest age for an overnight summer camp is usually 12 years old, but some camps offer younger programs for kids as young as 8 or 9 years old.

What is the best age for summer camp?

The best age for summer camp is from 8 to 16 years old depending on the type of summer camp you choose and your child’s interests. Some camps are designed for younger children, while others focus on older kids and teens.

How many overnight summer camps are there in the US?

In the US, there are about 1,000 overnight summer camps. These include traditional summer camps and specialty summer camps for 16-18 year-olds like art or science camps.
The number of overnight campers has been growing since 2011, and it looks like that trend will continue year to year.

How long do most summer camps last?

Many last for between two weeks and one month. The length of the camp depends on what you want to learn or get out of it.
If you’re looking for something to help you build your resume or help you get into a university, look for a longer camp experience.
However, a shorter camp may be better suited for your needs if you want to learn a specific skill like cooking or playing an instrument.

Final Thought

If you’re looking for a way to make new friends, escape the monotony of schoolwork, and gain some new skills or inspiration for your time in high school, summer camps could be an excellent option.

With programs designed for teenagers of all backgrounds and interests, there’s something for everyone.

Overnight summer camps, especially those that take place during a high school or college student’s junior and senior year may be an ideal way to spend the summer months.

This is particularly true when one considers how many students are itching to spend their summers in a fun and productive way while preparing themselves for the next school year.

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