In This Work, Palm Oil Was Adulterated with red dye to make comparism with unadulterated oil, the moisture content, iodine value, the fatty acid, peroxide value and specific density of the palm oil were analyzed. The values for the analyzed parameters were compared to each other. The result of the analysis shows that the introduction of these additives significantly increases the moisture content, free fatty acid and peroxide value (p>0.05) while there was no much difference in iodine value, specific density and even the sensory analysis. Also the quality palm oil was adversely affected even though the quality increased.


Title page……………………………………………………………     i

Dedication…………………………………………………………..     ii

Acknowledgements ……………………………………………….       Iii

Table of contents………………………………………………….        iv


1.0       Introduction…………………………………………………..   1

1.1       Objective of This Work………………………………………   3


2.0       Literature Reviews………………………………………….      4

2.1       Origin of Palm Oil an Importance………………………….      4

2.2       Composition of oil palm fresh fruit buncot………………..      6

2.3       Harvesting Of Oil Palm Fresh Fruit Buncot (Ffb)…………      6

2.4       Nutritional Properties of Palm Oil And It’s Components….     8

2.5       Processing Steps to Produce Palm Oil…………………….       11

2.6       Evaluation of traditional palm oil extraction technology…..   13

2.7       Quality Control of Processed Palm Oil…………………….      14

2.8       Uses of Palm Oil……………………………………………..    15

2.8.1   Industrial Uses………………………………………………..   15

2.8.2    Domestic Uses ……………………………………………..     16

2.8.3   Medicinal Use…………………………………………………  16

2.9       Frying With Palm Oil………………………………………….17


Materials and Methods

3.0       Source of Raw Materials…………………………………….    20

3.1       Sample Preparation…………………………………………..  20

3.2       Production Protocol of Crude Palm Oil …………………….      21

3.3       Parameters to be Evaluated………………………………….  22

3.4       Moisture Content Determination………………………………  22

3.5       Iodine Value Determination……………………………………   23

3.6       Peroxide Value Determination……………………………….    23

3.7       Free Fatty Determination………………………………………  24

3.8       Sensory Evaluation……………………………………………..  25

References ……………………………………………………..   26



            The oil Palm (Elaeis guinensis) is one of Africa’s most important oil producing plants. The oil palm exists in a wild, semi-wild and cultivated state in the tree land areas of the equatorial tropics in African, south- East Asia and in America (Hartley, 1988).  The oil palm fruits produced two types of oil, palm oil which is extracted from the pericarp of the fruit and palm kernel oil from the seeds, both of which are important in the world trade.

            Palm oil has been used in food preparation for over 5,000 years.  It is currently enjoying strong appeal worldwide as a cooking aid because it is free of artery- clogging trans- fats.  Food manufacturers choose palm oil because it has a distinct quality, requires little or no hydrogenating and prolongs the shelf life of different products (Anonymous 2003). Red palm oil, besides providing calorie density to the diets, is also the richest natural sources of B-carotene, a precursor of Vitamin A and an antioxidant that destroys singlet oxygen and free radicals Rukimni, (1994). Industrially, palm oil could be refined to give a light colored product which could be used in the manufacture of margarine, shortenings, biscuits, cooking fats, bakery fats as well as cooking oils (Ihekoronye and Ngoddy, 1985).

            The quality of palm oil is affected by improper post harvest handling, processing and storage techniques.

Frying involves close contact between the oil used and the raw food being fried. Oil is absorbed by the food and contributes significantly to its flavour and nutritional properties and becomes a major component of the final product consumed. The oil used in frying plays an important role in the eating quality of the food product and in its shelf life. Some of the minor components of palm oil are of particular interest in frying applications because of their antioxidant properties in particular the tocols, compounds of the vitamin E group. Palm oil is unique among the common vegetable oils because it contains unsaturated and saturated fatty acids in almost equal proportion.

            There is a wide spread speculation that palm oil is being adulterated. In most cases, the producers usually do the adulteration in order to increase quantity of palm oil that is produced for the sole purpose of profit maximization. Unfortunately, most adulteration practice is normally done without considering its effect on the quality of palm oil. The adulteration ranges from the use of colour dyes, water and other illegal food additives which could affect the quality of palm oil in the terms of nutritive value, wholesomeness, utilization, safety and shelf life.


1.         To evaluate palm oil processed with and without adulterants


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