Parental Variables and Students’ Attitude towards Examination Malpractice in Senior Secondary two Students

 – Parental Variables and Students’ Attitude towards Examination Malpractice in Senior Secondary two Students – 

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The study was carried out to examine parental variables and students’ attitude towards examination malpractices in secondary schools in Eket Local Government Area.

In order to achieve this purpose, four research questions were raised and four hypotheses were formulated to guide the study.

The descriptive survey   research design was used for the study. The population of the study comprised all the 2000 senior secondary two (S.S.2) students in the study area.

The sample comprised of two hundred (200) students in Senior Secondary schools in Eket Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.

Simple random sampling technique was used for this selection. Two researcher developed instruments titled “students’ attitude towards Examination Malpractice Questionnaire (SATEMQ)” and “Parental Variables Questionnaire (PVQ)” were used for data collection. Face validity method was used for validating the instrument.

Reliability coefficients of 0.849 and .854were obtained for the Parental Variables Questionnaire (PVQ) and students’ attitude towards Examination Malpractice Questionnaire (SATEMQ) respectively.

Mean and standard deviation were used for answering the research questions while independent t-test was used for testing the hypotheses formulated at .05 alpha levels.

The findings of the study showed that parental discipline, parental bonding, parental follow up as well as parental care do significantly influence students’ attitude towards examination malpractice.

Based on the findings of the study, it was concluded that parental variables do influence students’ attitude towards examination malpractices in secondary schools in Eket Local Government Area.

It was recommended that parents should inculcate the right values to their children through strict discipline and avoid pressurizing them to pass examinations by all means.

It was also recommended that parents should endeavour to develop strong bond with their children by getting to know their problems and discouraging them from engaging in examination malpractices.


Title page





Table of contents

List of table



1.0       Introduction

1.1       background of the study

1.2       statement of the problem

1.3       purpose of problem

1.4       significance of the study

1.5       research question

1.6       research hypothesis

1.7       delimitation of the study

Chapter Two

2.0       literaure


1.1 Background of the Study

Examination can be seen as one of the techniques used in the measurement of learning outcomes at all levels of education in Nigeria and the world over.

Examination may be administered orally, on paper, on computer or in a confined area that requires an examinee to physically perform a set of skills.

However, despite the importance of examination in teaching and learning situations, a number of factors affect the credibility of examination scores.

One of such practices that may affect the reliability of examination scores is examination malpractice.

Examination malpractice is any illegal act committed by a student single handedly or in collaboration with others; like parents, teachers, invigilators, fellow students, printers and anybody or group of people before, during or after examination in order to observed undeserved marks or grades (Wilayat, 2009)

Some forms of examination malpractices are swapping of answer booklets, copying on sheet of papers; handkerchiefs; desk/chairs, bribing invigilators or supervisors so that they could turn a blind eye when malpractices are being perpetrated.

Electronic gadgets like calculators, organizers radio Walkman and mobile phones are also used to carryout examination malpractices.

Examination malpractices in Nigeria are successfully perpetrated with the active connivance students, parents, school authorities, government functionaries invigilators and sometime officials of such examination bodies as Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB); National Examination Council (NECO); National Teacher’s Institute (NTI) etc.

Consequently, examination malpractice is perpetrated for different reason and it affects the credibility of result in the sense that grades are assigned to candidates wrongly thereby misleading the teacher and other users of the school products in decision making.

School management and parents tend to push hard on wards to get their certificates and good grades by all means in order to secure employment or admission into the best higher institutions.

The overdependence on certificate, if care is not taken will create a situation where educational products in Nigeria are not able to perform what is expected of them.

Examination malpractices may be encouraged as a result of; Students being sometimes left without any direction or are pushed too hard and too far by parent to achieve the desires of such parents.


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