Perception of Factors Responsible for Delay in Successful Completion of Postgraduate Programme in Nursing Sciences Department, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus


There is increased for nurses with higher degree to man the existing of Nursing to meet both the National University and the Nursing and Council of Nigeria student teacher ratio of 1:10 and 1: 6 for basic and post basic Nursing programmes.

However, the rate required to meet these demand is low. This study was conducted to determine the perceived factors responsible for delay in successful completion of postgraduate programme in Department of Nursing Sciences, UNEC.

Four objectives were formulated and the significance of the study was to provide useful information to enhance timely completion of postgraduate programme in the Department. The design was descriptive. Population consisted of all registered postgraduate students from 2003/2004-2010/2011 and approved supervisors.

The instrument for data collection was the questionnaire. Data was analyzed using percentages, mean and Standard Deviation. 4 points Likert scale was also used and the decision rule was based on mean score of 2.5.

Result showed that the major personal factors that contributed to delay in completion were conflicting roles competing with academic work (mean 3.15); not satisfied with the way the programme is organized and no study leave granted for the programme had the same mean of 2.91.

For the supervisors, the major personal factor was thatthat most of the students lacked knowledge in research work (mean 3.67). The main environmental factor that contributed to delay was interference of job with academic work (mean 3.00).

For the supervisors, the major environmental factors were that students combined work with their academic studies (mean 3.12) and that most of the students live and work outside Enugu (mean 2.83).

The major institutional factors were that library was not adequately equipped (3.24) and too much work load for lecturers (mean 3.22). For the supervisors, they equally indicated that there was too much work load from undergraduate to postgraduate programme with a mean of 3.33.

There was no association between demographic (age, marital status and years of experience) and students completion of studies. Based on the findings it was recommended that, students should see both the course work and dissertation as an entity and not separate programmes.

The Departmental library should be well equipped with computers and adequate classrooms provided. The supervisor-student relationships should be built on effective communication and the supervisors should be mentors to their supervises.


Title i
Approval ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
Table of Contents vi
List of Tables viii
List of Figures ix
List of Appendices x
Abstract xi


Background to the Study 1
Statement of Problem 5
Purpose of the Study 6
Objectives of the Study 6
Significance of the Study 6
Scope of Study 7
Operational Definition of Terms 7


Conceptual Review of Postgraduate Nursing Education 9
Factors that delay students’ completion of postgraduate programme 12
Theoretical Review 25
Development of the Interacting Systems Framework 26
Empirical Review 32
Summary of Literature Review 35


Research Design 36
Area of the Study 36
Population of the Study 37
Sampling procedure 38
Inclusion Criteria 38
Instrument for Data Collection 38
Validity of Instrument 38
Reliability of Instrument 39
Ethical Consideration 39
Procedure for Data Collection 39
Method of Data Analysis 40


Summary of the Findings 41


Discussion of Major Findings 54
Implications of the study to nursing 57
Limitations to the study 58
Suggestion for further studies 58
Summary 59
Conclusion 60
Recommendations 61


1.1 Background to the Study

Education is the bedrock of any nation because it is the training of the mind and character of an individual to ensure change of unwanted behaviour or strengthening encouraging behaviours.

It is the process of helping an individual to discover, develop and make use of his inner abilities, potentials and capabilities for successful living in the society (Olubiyi, 2009).

Education is the development of all those capacities in the individual which will enable him to control his environment and fulfill his potentials. Obasa, (2006) stated that, nursing education represents the foundation for nursing practice.

Thus by implication, whatever the nursing care given is a reflection of the nursing education received. The concept of postgraduate education depends upon the system of awarding degrees at different levels of study, and can be traced to the workings of European medieval universities.

Postgraduate education or graduate education involves learning and studying for degrees or other qualifications for which a first or Bachelor’s degree generally is required, and is normally considered to be part of higher education.

Abiddin and Ismail, (2011), stated that a postgraduate study is a growth process by which students, need to develop as scholars under the thoughtful support and guidance by the institution.

Postgraduate students are matured persons, building an academic career path after their Bachelor Degree or Higher


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