Perception of the Role of Media House in Promoting Government Policies

Perception of the Role of Media House in Promoting Government Policies.


The role of the media in the promotion of government policies has a serious concern to everyone. There has been criticism over the type of government policies being dispersed by the media which could be either or mere propaganda.

While some of the media seek ‘brown envelopes’ others are good examples of physical and mental wrecks and wretches, who are helpless.

The search for a blind ambition and cankerworms growth and ignorance in the match to enlighten the populace, while the ‘nourished’ information is kept back, is a very great concern. The situation is like where people are so fatalistic in their dispensation of a ‘deplorable’ policies.

One stand firm to state that one problem, is the axion that a number of proposed government policies are the irony of what is being executed. That is why this topic is very timely. But, the questions that come to mind are:

This study is made up of five chapters, chapter one deals with the introductory part of they study. It touches on vital subjects such as a statement of the problems, purpose of the study, scope of the formulation of hypotheses, theoretical framework, and limitation of the study.

Chapter two highlights the literature review which is other peoples view on the subject matter, the study will attempt to strike a balance between observation and theoretical concepts and feelings of people about government policies.

Chapter three deals with the areas covered by the study and the method employed in the analysis of the data that was collected through research questionnaire, design, selection of sample size, sources of research materials, the research instruments and treatment of data.

Chapter four analyzed the collected data and presented them in a simple form as to enhance proper understanding and provide correct statistical testing for the postulated research in the study using research methodology.

Chapter five brought together the summary of findings, incorporating the observed data to make recommendations on how to apply government policies for the success of the mass media.

Recommendations are therefore made for every public/mass establishment to appreciate and recognize the need for mass media activities as this will help to balance information.

Finally, the researcher sincerely hope that this study will contribute invaluable quota in understanding mass media in the promotion of government policies in Nigeria.


Chapter One

  • Background of the study
  • Statement of problem
  • Purpose of study
  • Significance of study
  • Research Question
  • Definition of Terms
  • Assumption
  • Scope of the study

Chapter Two

  • Literature Review
  • Historical Background

Chapter Three

  • Research Methodology
  • Research Design
  • Area of study
  • Sampling Procedure
  • Population of the study
  • Instrument for Measurement
  • Sample size for Ruralities
  • Data Collection

Chapter Four

  • Data Presentation
  • Analysis and Discussion of Findings

Chapter Five

  • Summary
  • Conclusion
  • Recommendation
  • Suggestions for further research
  • Limitation of the Study




Background of the study

The role of the media is the promotion of government policies, is indeed very inevitable. But, there has been have and cry over the traditional dissemination of information by the media. The informed message is the irony of what the government does.

This single attitude by the media irritates, thereby leaving little or no care at all for the disseminated message. It is indeed very important to know what the three keywords; media, government, and policies stand for.

The family Dictionary (1984:439) defines media as:“A substance regarded as the means of transmission of a force or effect” The dictionary further states clearly, what the term government stands for (1984:301).“The mechanism through which political authority is exercised.”

Again, the phrase means, (1984:525), “An overall plan embracing general goal and procedures. More of than not, while some officials of the media seek for brown envelopes, other are examples of cankerworms and wretches. They sway the good intention of the intended policies for the benefit of the masses, to suit that of the government. It is like blowing the trumpet.

On the part of the media, the zeal to live to the tenets of journalism burns within. But for the pre and past censorship, they are victims of circumstances. It is very evidenced that we have not yet bailed ourselves from social and political problems. Indeed, the intention of any meaningful government is to bring very closely their intentions to the government.


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