Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF) Scholarship Questions 2021

Petroleum Technology Development Fund Scholarship 2021. In this article, I will be showing you past PTDF Scholarship random repeated questions for free. You will also understand how  Scholarship Questions are set and many other examination guides. Stay focus and read through.

PTDF Scholarship has a great advantage on students preparing for this entrance examination such as follows;

  • It enlightens you on the scope of the examination
  • Hence, you won’t be in the dark about questions to expect in the examination.
  • Therefore, you won’t need support rather you’ll be confident in yourself
  • You won’t develop examination fever as a result of not knowing where the questions will be coming from.
  • Equips you beforehand.
  • Guides you on how to answer exam technical questions

The necessity of the PTDF Scholarship Questions

These past questions and answers are for pupils who want to take the PTDF Scholarship Examination. And it may also be used by pupils preparing for the Scholarship Examination

Furthermore, since the past questions cover the  School Syllabus, note. Students preparing for the final examination will find it useful for effective revision.

Also, the past questions and answers are aimed at helping pupils to achieve success at the first attempt in the MTN Foundation Scholarship Examination.

The Importance of PTDF Scholarship Questions Guide

It is incredibly important to get your past questions and answers to study materials from the right places. The PTDF is a very specific kind of test. And there are many websites and programs out there that, sadly, offer only poor-quality PTDF past questions and answers resources.

Also, if you study using mainly inferior PTDF past questions materials, you won’t get a clear sense as to how you’ll do on test day. Our PTDF past questions and answers guide is about helping you to improve upon your current level.

However, you won’t be able to do this if you get a false sense of your skills based on poor study materials. Ultimately, products and test questions that don’t accurately reflect the PTDF are a waste of time.

Importance of PTDF Scholarship Questions Past Questions

past questions and answers guide enlightens you on the scope of the . Also, through it, you won’t be in the dark about questions to expect in the examination. Furthermore, you won’t need support rather you’ll be confident in yourself.

Additionally, the past questions and answers guide has a great advantage towards preparing for the examination like Helping you overcome examination fever as a result of not knowing where the questions will be coming from.

Additionally, the past questions and answers guide equips you beforehand. Also, it guides you on how to answer exam technical questions. Furthermore, it helps you avoid unfortunate and unwanted eventualities

1) The Crocodile’s tail was three times as long as its head. Its body was half as long as its tail. The body and tail measured 13 feet 6 inches. How long was its head?

  1. 13 feet 6 inches
  2. 9 feet
  3. 6 feet
  4. 3 feet
  5. 2 feet 6 inches

2) The portion of the earth that contains life is the ———–

  1. Atmosphere
  2. None of the above

3) A numismatist decides to divide his coin collection between his children. The oldest gets 1/2 of the collection, the next gets 1/4, the next gets 1/5, and the youngest gets the remaining 49 coins. How many coins are in the collection?

  1. 980
  2. 1,080
  3. 1,980
  4. 2,000
  5. None of the above

The correct answer is option [A] There are 980 coins in the collection: 490 + 245 + 196 + 49 = 980.

4) Which of these is closest to earth?

  1. Stratosphere
  2. Ionosphere D layer
  3. Sun
  4. Ionosphere F2 layer
  5. Troposphere

5) Find the difference between the values of six in 12687 and in 21867.

  1. 9180
  2. 660
  3. 620
  4. 540
  5. 0

6) What comes next in this sequence: AAA, B, D, EEEE, FFF, G, HHH, I, J, KKK

  1. M
  2. MMM
  3. L
  4. LL
  5. None of the above

A correct answer is an option [D] LL: each term uses the number of straight lines in each letter. An L has two straight lines, therefore, two L’s are shown.

7) Half the graduating class of a college was accepted by a business school. one third of the class was accepted by a law school. If one-fifth of the class was accepted to both types of school. What fraction of the class was accepted only by a law school?

  1. 1/60
  2. 2/15
  3. 1/3
  4. 1/2
  5. 4/5

The correct answer is [B]

8) There are 200 questions on a 3 hr examination. Among these questions are 50 mathematics problems.It is suggested that twice as much time be spent on each maths problem as for each other question.How many minutes should be spent on mathematics problems?

  1. 36
  2. 60
  3. 72
  4. 86
  5. 100

The correct answer is option [C]

9) egg, _______ , pupa, butterfly

  1. tadpole
  2. larva
  3. spawn
  4. cocoon
  5. None of the above

A correct answer is an option [B] Here a life cycle is given according to stages from the initial stage to the adult stage. Larva is the stage between the egg and the pupa. Spawn is the term for fish eggs or frog eggs. Cocoon is the covering in the pupa stage. Tadpole is an intermediate stage in the life cycle of a frog.

10) Complete the series, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, ____

  1. 1.20
  2. 21
  3. 22
  4. 23
  5. 24

A correct answer is an option [D] These are the prime numbers (i.e., numbers whose only factors are one and the number itself).

11) Joe bought a bag of oranges on Monday and ate a third of them. On Tuesday he ate half of the remaining oranges. On Wednesday he looked in the bag to find he only had two oranges left. How many oranges were originally in the bag?

  1. 1.10
  2. 8
  3. 6
  4. 4
  5. 2

A correct answer is an option [C] He had 6 oranges to start with, and ate 2 the first day and 2 the second day.

12) Determine the number that should come next in the following series: 3 8 14 21 29 38 ?

  1. 1.45
  2. 46
  3. 47
  4. 48
  5. 49

A correct answer is an option [D] The differences between the numbers increases by 1, starting with 5 (3 to , so the answer is 48 because the difference has to be 10 between 38

13) The Nigerian armed Forces Remembrance day is celebrated on ______.

  1. 1.29th July
  2. 27th August
  3. 15th January
  4. 1st October
  5. 11th November

14) What kind of tax does the contractor in the Nigerian Risk Service Contract pay?

  1. Property Tax
  2. Company Income tax
  3. Petroleum Profit Tax
  4. Ground Tax
  5. Production Tax

15) A chemical generally used for controlling water algae and another one for disinfecting swimming pools are ———– and ————- respectively.

  1. Bleaching powder and Lime
  2. Copper sulfate and chlorine
  3. Copper sulfate and Alum
  4. Alum and Copper sulfate
  5. Chlorine and Copper sulfate

16) The ratio of horizontal to vertical permeability of an undisturbed soil sample is 1:1. This material is ______.

  1. Anisotropic
  2. Homogeneous
  3. Isotropic
  4. Homogeneous and isotropic
  5. None of the above

17) An object whose mass is 200 kg moves with a velocity of 20 m/s at an altitude of 200 m, both measured relative to the surface of the earth. The acceleration of gravity is constant at g = 9.8 m/s2. If the kinetic energy increased by 240 kJ with no change in elevation, what would be the final velocity, in m/s?

  1. 20.06
  2. 22.45
  3. 31.93
  4. 34.52
  5. 40.61

18) Two points respectively lie on the horizontal lines directly north and south of a tower 30 m high. The angles of elevation of the top of the tower from the points are 28oand 43o. The distance between the points is closest to ______.

  1. 12 m
  2. 90 m
  3. 21 m
  4. 25 m
  5. 32 m

19) Specific water retention is least ____.

  1. Coarse gravel
  2. Silt
  3. Coarse sand
  4. Clay
  5. Fine sand

20) If X>Y and Z are positive numbers, which of the following relationships is not true

  1. XZ>YZ
  2. Z-X>Z-Y
  3. X+Z>Y+Z
  4. X/Z >Y/Z
  5. None of the above

25) If the void ratio of a soil sample is 25%, the porosity is

  1. 0.20
  2. 0.25
  3. 0.50
  4. 0.75
  5. 1.00

26) A Carnot engine with an efficiency of 52.7% operates between the temperature 28.96oC and ToC, producing 56kJ of work. Calculate the temperature T.

  1. 65.40oC
  2. 75.80oC
  3. 79.60oC
  4. 201.30oC
  5. 365.80oC

27) In the gravity method of geophysical prospecting, drift correction compensates for:

  1. Elevation variation
  2. Density variation
  3. Variation in Latitude
  4. Instrument drift
  5. Variation in Longitude

The Correct Answer is Option []

28) Shales can act

  1. As source and reservoir rock for gas
  2. Also as a source of gas
  3. Only as a source for oil
  4. As a reservoir for gas
  5. Then as a seal for oil5

The Correct Answer is Option []

29) In electromagnetic (EM) prospecting, laboratory-scale modeling aids the understanding and interpretation of anomalies. Establish the similitude equation that relates a full-scale field situation (1) and the equivalent laboratory model (2) assuming the electric conductivity (s) and the linear dimension (l) are 1000 and 0.001 times the corresponding parameters of the field situation.

  1. 103f1 = f2
  2. f1 = 103f2
  3. f1 = 10-3f2
  4. 106f1 = f2
  5. None of the above

The Correct Answer is Option []

30) If the void ratio of a soil sample is 25%, the porosity is

  1. 0.20
  2. 0.25
  3. 0.50
  4. 0.75
  5. 1.00

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