Phytochemical and Nutritive Composition of Fluted Pumpkin

Phytochemical and Nutritive Composition of Fluted Pumpkin.


The paper discussed the nutritive value and phytochemical contents of fluted pumpkin (Telfaria occidentalis HOOK F) vegetable grown with four levels of organic manure (turkey dropping). The effects of four levels of organic manue (0,100, 150 and 200kg/ha) on the vegetable were examined.

The proximate composition, minerals, vitamins and the phytochemical contents of the vegetable were determined at six and eight weeks after planting (WAP).

The results showed that moisture, crude protein, fat and ash content as well as vegetable yield increased while crude fiber, carbohydrates and food energy decreased significantly with increasing levels of manure application.

Most of the proximate components are at their best at 150kg/ha. All the considered vitamins and major minerals were also found to have increased significantly with the increasing levels of manure application.

Among the phytochemical contents considered flavournoids and saponins increased while alkaloid and phenols decreased significantly with increasing levels of manure application.

The proximate compositions minerals, vitamins and phytochemical contents increased with level of manure application and have their peaks at 150kg/ha.

Application of organic manure (Turkey droppings) up to 150kg/ha has been recommended, among others to increase the nutritive and phytochemical contents of the fluted pumpkin (Telfaria and occidentialis) vegetable in Southern Nigeria agro-chemical zone.


Title page     i

Approval page      ii

Dedication      iii

Acknowledgement          iv

Abstract    v

Table of content          vii


Introduction          1

Aims and objectives      5

Scope of the study   5

Limitation of the study 6

Statement of the problem       7

Significance of the study    8


Literature review    10


Methodology       14

Mineral and nutrient analysis   23


Discussion      30

Results  34


Conclusion     39

Recommendation      40

References 4

Appendix      45


Cucurbita (Pumpkin) is one of the underutilized crops which belong to the family, cucu-bitacene. Its existence is presently been threatened due to neglect in Nigeria.

Pumpkin is cultivated in Nigeria in subsistence level with virtually no commercial importance role in traditional setting as a cover crop and used control agent (DELAHAUT AND NEWENHOUSE 2006).

In Nigeria, it is a traditional crop grown mainly for its leaves, fruits and seeds and consumed either by boding the leaves and fruits, or by roasting or baking the seeds (FACCIOLA 1990). The leaves, fruits, flowers and seeds are used as medicine in some developed world.

The leaves are haematinic, analyzed and also used externally for treating burns. Traditionally, dyspepsin and stomach disorders (SENTU AND DEBJANI 2007).

Pumpkin fruit is an excellent source of vitamin A which the body needs for proper growth, healthy eyes and protection from diseases. It is also rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, lycopene and dietary fiber (PRATT AND MATERIALS 2003; WARD 2007).

In Africa, traditional vegetables are an important source of nutrients and vitamins for the rural population, as many nutritional studies have shown (MNZAVA ET AL 1999; MOSHAND GAGA 1999).

Farmers have cultivated and collected these vegetables for generations as an additional food source. Natural selection and farmer based breeding practices have developed the genetic base of the most important vegetables like pumpkin.

In recent decades, there has been formal research by national agricultural research programmes and international research organizations on cultivation methods of the vegetables to improve their yield (MNZAVA ET AL 1999).

African leafy vegetables are increasingly recognized as possible contributions of both micronutrients and bio-active compounds to the diets of population in Africa.

Available data on the more commonly consumed varieties point to antioxidants containing leafy vegetables that can also provide significant amounts of beta carotene, iron, calcium and zinc to daily diets (SMITH AND EYAGUIRRE 2007).


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