Picking up the Broken Pieces Quotes

Picking up the pieces after a something terrible happens is often a difficult thing to do and is a painful task. We don’t want to think about it, and we’d rather just forget it happened. But life doesn’t work that way, and we have to come to the point of peace and move on.

The best way to get through a rough patch is to keep moving forward. At some point, you will look back and realize how far you’ve come and how much you’ve been through, but how much stronger and braver you are now. Sometimes it’s necessary to go through the worst to get to the best.

We all make mistakes, have struggles, and even regret things in our past. But you are not your mistakes, you are not your struggles, and you are certainly not the sum of everything you’ve ever done. You are the person you are today because of what you went through.

You cannot change your past. You can only learn from it and take with you what matters most. If you’re struggling to pick up the pieces of your shattered heart, I hope these picking up the broken pieces quotes can bring you a bit of peace.

Deep down, you know that those feelings of hurt, anger, and disappointment are fleeting. Embrace the journey toward healing from this difficult time. It will give you new opportunities to grow and experience love fully! Picking up the pieces and moving forward is what life is about.

1. When things fall apart, sometimes you need to pick up the broken pieces and build something new.

2. Pick up the broken pieces, and put them together again.

3. When you feel broken, pick up the pieces and start anew. Clean out your closet, as well as your mind, and find something fresh to wear.

4. Don’t let the broken pieces fall. Pick them up and make something beautiful with them.

5. They say that moving on is the way to grow. Let’s agree with them and pick up our broken pieces to start over new together.

6. When new beginnings become broken pieces, don’t fear them, embrace them.

7. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again.

8. Holding on to broken pieces slows us down; letting go allows us to move forward.

9. When things don’t go as planned, pick yourself up and try again.

10. Don’t let them see you sweat. Get it together, and get back in the race. How sweet the sound when dreams come true, keep striving for more.

11. Strength and growth come from overcoming challenges, not avoiding them.

12. Sometimes you have to pick up the broken pieces to make room for new treasures.

13. Sometimes all you can do is pick up the broken pieces, smile, and start over.

14. Pick up the broken pieces and start again. That shouldn’t be the end of life.

15. Heartbreak happens, but it’s not the end of the world. The important thing is how we pick up the broken pieces and move forward.

16. If we let the breaking of our hearts harden us, and we ignored the softness of our hands. Then when we’re at a loss in the darkness, we’ll never be able to find a way out

17. Life is messy, it’s up to us to make it beautiful. Pick up your broken pieces.

18. It’s okay to cry. It’s healthy, even. But it’s not okay to let it drown you. Pick up your broken pieces.

19. There will be times when you feel like giving up. But if you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.

20. Life’s too short to wait for the perfect time. Take chances and make mistakes because there is no such thing as a mistake, just life happening. Pick up your broken pieces and move ahead.

21. In this mixed-up world, you never know what might happen. Always be ready to pick up the broken pieces and start all over again.

22. Pick up the broken pieces of life and put them back together. It is a time of rebirth and renewal.

23. As you live life, sometimes all that’s left are the rubble and the broken pieces. You just have to pick up the broken pieces and build a new world.

24. Pick up the broken pieces, put them together and make the best of it.

25. Most of us are happy, productive and at times very fulfilled, but we all have that broken piece inside us, that hurt, that thing we can’t let go of. And it’s the willingness to acknowledge that and reach out for help that makes this a healthier world.

26. Don’t let a broken heart keep you down. Let it be a reminder that sometimes things don’t work out the way we want them to, but you can always pick yourself back up and try again.

27. Life can be tricky sometimes. Your dog will be there for you through it all, as long as you’re willing to pick up the pieces.

28. There is no denying that there are times in our lives when we feel like we just can’t go on. It’s ok to fall, but it’s not ok to stay down.

29. Time to put the broken pieces back together again, rise.

30. Never let anything dull your sparkle. Pick up the broken pieces, put them together and make it happen.

31. You fall seven times, you get up eight. Just as long as you pick up the broken pieces and put them together.

32. Tomorrow starts with you. So pick up the broken pieces, dust yourself off and start again.

33. The only way to discover true happiness is to face your internal struggles and pick up the broken pieces.

34. Sometimes the only thing to do after you pick up what’s been broken is to make something new.

35. We’ve picked up the broken pieces, fixed our mistakes, and we’re back in the ring fighting for you. Keep your head up!

36. It’s not about where you have been, but it’s about where you are going. Take up the broken pieces and create something beautiful out of them.

37. Soak up the sun, and enjoy the little things. Laugh, cry, and love like you have never done before. Pick up the pieces and never give up on your happiness.

38. Quit kicking yourself for the pieces you broke or worse someone else did. Pick up and move on.

39. You can’t keep your eyes on the past or what is broken, yesterday is gone. You must look at the present and fix what you can today.

40. Don’t live with broken pieces. Make up your mind to be a better person.

41. Never underestimate the power of the human spirit. Even if a road is covered with shattered glass and scattered with stones, you can still make it to your destination.

42. Don’t let the world break you, let it strengthen you.

43. Time to go from survivor to thriver.

44. It’s not over, pick up the broken pieces and move on.

45. It’s not too late to salvage some broken pieces, pick up the pieces that have been shattered and start again.

46. I don’t know what I’m going to do, but I’ll pick up the broken pieces and start again.

47. The pieces that broke off my heart, I put into a box, I hid the box in the closet, locked it up and threw away the key. Pick up the broken pieces.

48. You’re stronger than you realize. You can do hard things.

49. You have to get up each time you fall.

50. Don’t dwell in the past. Let it go and move forward with confidence. Go on to live a better life.

Beginning something new is always scary, risky and intimidating. But it’s never too late to start over again and make a fresh start. Take chances if you want to live your best life, it comes only by putting broken pieces back together.

51. It’s not about the end, it’s about what you do next. Pick up your broken pieces back together.

52. Life is never easy, overcoming challenges and knowing how to repair things on your own can sometimes make all the difference.

53. Picking up the broken pieces of someone’s heart is never easy, but it is possible.

54. Life’s a beautiful mess, so kind of just roll with it. Pick up your broken pieces, hold on to them and hang on to the people who have been there for you through everything.

55. Keep Moving. Keep picking up the broken pieces. You have the power to pick up the pieces and move forward.

56. Life is about picking up the broken pieces, putting yourself back together, and starting all over again.

57. Life is a beautiful, bumpy ride. The obstacles you encounter will make you who you are and the strongest people are the ones that can get up after falling.

58. Clean up your act, and pick up the broken pieces. Don’t stay in the mess.

59. Look at the world around you. We’re all still here. We’ll look back on this and laugh, I promise you. You can pick up the broken pieces and start over again.

60. It is never too late to start over. Sometimes you just need a little courage and a lot of faith.

61. Take your time. Be kind to yourself. But don’t break the pieces any smaller.

62. Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. I have just one day, today, and I’m going to be happy with it.

63. You can always start over, and your first step is believing in yourself.

64. Tear up your rule book and replace it with new rules made to suit your needs. Pick up your broken pieces.

65. Pick up the broken pieces and start again. Don’t let your past define you, but inspire you for your future.

66. We picked up the broken pieces and here we are today. We need to pick up the broken pieces of our community and put them back together.

67. Remind yourself that you are stronger than the broken pieces, and you can pick them up.

68. We all lose pieces of ourselves from time to time, it’s part of being human. But you don’t have to be defined by your broken parts. Pick up the broken parts, you have the chance to get stronger than you ever were before.

69. When you find yourself with a broken heart, don’t sweep it under the rug. Find inspiration in the pieces, they will remind you to be stronger and better than before.

70. It’s important to acknowledge that life is not always a bed of roses. We all have our seasons where things don’t go according to plan and we feel broken. But you know what? Broken pieces can become something beautiful once again if you’re willing to work them out.

71. You can’t hold a broken heart and shattered dreams at the same time without losing your balance.

72. Some people are just meant to be in your life. They somehow take the broken pieces of you and make you whole again.

73. You’re going to get knocked down, but you have to get back up.

74. You have to feel the pain of losing everything before you can get to the other side.

75. Life is like a jigsaw puzzle, and I’m glad I get to be the one to put it together. Pick up your broken pieces.

76. You can’t control everything in life, but you can control how you react to it.

77. Anytime you think you’re just one step away from a breakthrough, you’ve already taken the first step.

78. Put your broken pieces back together, and you will shine brighter than ever.

79. Remember that time? Regardless of what “that time” means to you, it’s okay to look back when it comes to putting broken pieces back together.

80. You can’t move forward until you put the broken pieces back together.

81. It’s time to put your broken pieces back together.

82. Sometimes, the best way to fix something is to put all of the broken pieces back together.

83. You can put my puzzle back together and all you’ll see is a beautiful picture of you and me.

84. You are not just a sum of your pieces. You are the glue that holds them together.

85. When we’re broken, we’re not whole. When we’re whole, we’re not complete. It’s the moments in between that make us who we are.

86. It’s okay to be broken. Some people are just stronger than others, you know?

87. The hard times will always reveal the true nature of a person.

88. You can’t have a rainbow without a little rain.

89. Sometimes, you have to fight for what you want. And sometimes, you have to fight harder for what you already have.

90. You may have everything it takes to get what you want but if you don’t have the right attitude you won’t be satisfied.

91. I have no superpower, no hi-tech gadget, and I don’t fight crime. What I do is put broken pieces back together.

92. Sometimes you have to put your broken pieces back together to be able to live again.

93. Sometimes putting broken pieces back together takes twice as long as breaking them in the first place.

94. It’s time to put the broken pieces back together. Be resilient and persistent in your pursuit to achieve your dreams.

95. Pick up the broken pieces and fall in love with yourself again.

96. Be strong enough to stand alone, smart enough to know when you need help and brave enough to accept it.

97. Let us give you the push you need to take the first step toward becoming greater than you are.

98. You can either use the experience as a reason to give up or pick up the broken pieces and become great.

99. All it takes is time and effort to put broken pieces back together. You can always build a better version of yourself if you’re willing to forgive the past, work hard, and be open to change.

100. Life goes on, despite what happens. Have the courage to move on though, putting broken pieces back together is hard.

101. We may never be able to put broken pieces back together again but we can help ourselves by moving on and being better than before.

102. The struggle of life is real, but the reward is a story worth telling. So, get going, put your broken pieces back together and write your own story.

103. You can’t be whole without the broken pieces.

104. Everyone has a past, don’t let your past define you. It takes broken pieces to create a mosaic, beautiful and unique.

105. Life is a puzzle, and the puzzle is always trying to fit together. You just have to believe in yourself, stay active and put your broken pieces back together.

106. If you’re strong enough to break it, you’re strong enough to fix it. Pick up your broken pieces.

107. You are stronger than you think, pick up your broken pieces and shine.

It’s easy to jump to the worst-case scenario when we’re in emotional pain. But always remember, there’s a difference between knowing that bad things happen and always predicting they will. Encourage yourself and others with these picking up the broken pieces quotes. Do not hesitate to share and leave your comment in the comment section.

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