Pidgin English Usage and Meaning Placement in Select Pidgin English Program on Radio

Pidgin English Usage and Meaning Placement in Select Pidgin English Program on Radio.


The research closes the gap between the audience and presenters of wazobia dem say dem say radio program and creates relationship between the public and broadcasters.

Relying on the survey design and a 10-item structured questionnaire, which focused on how often they listen to Pidgin English programs on radio, and distributed purposively to 400 respondents, the study assesses meaning presenter of the program “dem say dem say” on wazobia FM tries to pass across to listeners of the program.

The questionnaire was structured using Likert scale. The data gathered was analyzed using descriptive statistics.

Findings show that number of respondents that listen to PE program on wazobia “dem say dem say”, and have a correlation of words they hear with that of the presenters was sixtytwo percent and it shows that those who do not have correlation of words with the presenter are less in number.

Interestingly is that some language use could be effective in communication despite not being structured as grammarians would suggest.


Items Page
Title page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Table of Contents v
List of Tables vii
Abstract viii

Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 3
1.3 Research Objectives 3
1.4 Research Questions 4
1.5 Significance of the Study 4
1.6 Scope of the Study 5
1.7 Definition of Terms 5

Chapter Two: Literature Review
2.0 Introduction 6
2.1 Concept of Meaning Placement 6
2.3 Language Use 7
2.4 Pidgin English Usage in Language in Nigerian Radio 8
2.5 Theoretical Framework 9

Chapter Three: Research Methods
3.0 Introduction 12
3.1 Research Instrument 12
3.2 Population of Study 12
3.3 Sampling Method & Sample Size 12
3.4 Data Gathering Instrument 13
3.5 Validity 13
3.6 Measurable Variable 13
3.7 Data Collection 13
3.8 Data Analysis 13

Chapter Four: Data Presentation, Analysis & Discussion of
4.1 Data Presentation 14
4.2 Discussion of Findings 20

Chapter Five: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1 Summary 23
5.2 Conclusion 23
5.3 Recommendations 23

References 24
Appendix: Sample Research Instrument 26
Appendix: Sample Result Pidgin English Usage and Meaning
placement in Select Pidgin English Program on Radio.


Communication is exchanging of information either orally or written form. One of the essential elements of communication is feedback and effective communication.

Communication is also a “process of using words, sounds, signs, or attitude to express or interchange information or to express your ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc., to someone else”.

In this study, communication is important because it is a way of reaching mutual understanding in which presenter not only exchange information but, it creates and share meaning.

Language as a tool of communication, people share their experience and feelings through the easiest means they can be understood in their society and amongst themselves. It doesn’t matter the language used but all that matter is that it conveys the right message that was passed by the source.


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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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