is a place where pigs are kept- there are different structures in the piggery
unit. This include: weaning and fallowing  

     (a)    Watering trough: This is parturitions where drinking water is provided
for the animal after feeding.

     (b)    Nursery pen:  This is partition kept for the purpose of
nursing dam.

   (c)    Feeding trough: it is also made up of
reinforced concrete where formulated feed are kept for the animal.

   (d)    Wallow system: it is a partition
constructed with reinforced concrete where water are constantly available for
the purpose of reducing the body temperature of the pig.

(e)    Growing pen: This is a partition kept
for newly weaned pigs.

(f)     Breeding Pen: this is a partition in
the piggery unit kept for the sole purpose of breeding

(g)    Isolation Pen: it is partition in the
piggery unit carried out to keep sick animals.

(h)    Quarantine pen: this is a partition in
the piggery unit where newly introduced pig are kept.


The Major Activities Carried out in the
Piggery Unit Include

a.    Feeding and provision of water is of
routine activities carried out in the piggery unit where a well formulated feed
are placed in their feeding troughs of the pigs while water is provided both in
the wallow system and also in the wallow system and also in the water troughs.

used in feed formulation includes

Maize shaft

grinded rice husk

bags of beans(grinded)

palm kernel cake

wheat offer/shaft

fish meal


super leaf



     pre mix(vitamins and minerals)

b.         Sanitation:
This is a routine practices carried out once in every two days. This include
sweeping and packing of swine dung in all pen, washing of the water and feed
troughs, so that it will not pose the animal to danger of contagious diseases
that it will not pose the animal to danger of contagious diseases.

c.         Medication:
Different medication was given to the anila which we experience. This include
de-worming, invemetin injection was given to pigs to kill all endoparasite
infection like worm and this medication administered based on their body Weight

vitamin A injection was also given to animal which nutritional disease was
suspected and the dosage was based on doctors prescription.

injection was also administered to pigs to prevent them form anemia.

Some of the behavour observed in pigs
during my stay in the piggery unit include:

– Cannibalism:
this is a anomalous behaviour which are exhibited in eating the flesh of the
young ones ie. The eating of the piglet by the sow.

This is the eating of materials such as soil, wood by the pigs. This may be due
to bad nutrition.

overlaying: it is cases observed where the female pig (sow) lay on the piglets
and kill them probably during farrowing.

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