Pant spacing is the way plants are arrange on a row in a farm there are countless ways of spacing plants. observation of the morphological characteristics of the plants together with experience will help the gardener to choose the arrangement best suited to local conditions.


1.      Right spacing result in an efficient use of space and reduce competition between plants with the same cultural requirements.

2.      The distance between plants will also affect micro-climate particularly with reference to wind

and moisture.(Nguyen,1989).

3.      Plant spacing increases the benefit between different plants. The benefit can take many forms  such as enriching the nitrogen content of the soil , repelling  pest or giving shade.

 Dena harris item number: article21, have it that trellised cucumber should be planted 2-3 feet apart on a trellised, approximately 6 feet high. For ground varieties plants at least 18 inches apart 60-91cm and 45cm.

      In an experiment to test the effect of pruning and two plant spacing 75× 30cm  and 75× 40cm on tomato, zero pruning at the closer spacing (75 ×30cm) had a significantly higher yield than the wider plant spacing (75×40cm) (Evan,1982). Tomato variety seed was grown in five different spacing -30cm ×100cm, 40cm ×100cm, 50cm ×100cm,50cm ×100cm and 75cm ×100cm. the result showed that the closest plant spacing (30cm 100cm) gave the highest total yield (21.3t/ha) and marketable yield (17.5t/ha) while the widest spacing (75cm×100cm) gave the lowest total  and marketable yield of 12.4t/ha and 9.3t/ha respectively (Monjur,1984).

       Shuangxi(1984)reported that the yield of marketable fruits from Tainan,no2 tomato plant grown in the closest spacing of 100cm×30cm was significantly higher than those grown in wider spacing. An increase in marketable fruit yield of 15.22t/ha was produced as the area per plant decreased  from 1.7 to 0.30 square meter.

  In a trial with tomato planted at different seedling ages of 15, 20, 25 and30 days  and plant spacing of 50cm ×100cm,40cm ×100cm, 30cm ×100cm and 20cm ×100cm, Asoka(1986) reported that the 25day old seedling planted at a spacing of 20cm ×100cm produced the highest yield.

    Nguyen(1989) found that with six different spacing (60cm ×100cm, 40cm× 100cm, 25cm ×100cm,60cm× 75cm, 40cm ×75cmand 25cm ×75cm)on the tomato cultivars- p502,plant spacing of 25cm×75cm gave the highest total  and marketable yields.

    Uddin  (1996) reported that two stem pruning and the closest plant spacing (40cm×100cm) gave the highest yield of 56.2t/ha.

Yanrong(1998) evaluate the effect of pruning and two spacing treatments-80cm× 50cm and 80cm× 40cm on tomato. He observe that plant spaced at 80cm ×40cm had higher yield of 41.8t/ha than those spaced at 80cm ×50cm whose yield was 36.7t/ha.

 Indeterminate tomato variety was grown in one plant per hill and two plants per hill with four different spacing via-85cm ×25cm,85cm ×30cm, 85cm ×40cmand 85cm ×50cm. Ali(1995) reported that there were no significant difference on the marketable and total yield among the spacing and that the widest spacing -85cm ×50cm with one plant per hill was found to be better overall other treatments.

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