There is a consensus from the study that Ebonyi State poverty reduction and social development agency EB-CSDA can be accredited with remarkable achievements in terms of operational targets and set goals.  However, consistency in operations of EB-CSDA with national poverty alleviation objectives and millennium development goals demands contentious effort to harmonize. Their strategies as prominent public and private agencies in Ishielu Local Government Area   of Ebonyi State. Based on the analysis , the EB-CSDA should utilize endearing civil service frame work to provide quality staff.

            The study also revealed that the EB-CSDA performed better in some many areas using strategies like group contact motivation for self help projects etc. they should therefore take complete responsibility for contracting beneficiaries in groups, providing rural leadership and facilitation training in order to involve the groups in need determination, project design and implementation of poverty alleviation projects. The current situation of appointing facilitators among rural poverty groups without definite criteria may need to be overhauled to focus attention on categorization of beneficiaries according to their preffered poverty alleviation projects for meaningful participation and easy coordination. The EB-CSDA should concentrate effort on group training, motivation and provide input on resources persons in poverty alleviation facilitation Traducing. The foregoing has implication for improved staff training under EB-CSDA in group dynamics in order to achieve their efficiency  in working with rural groups. Moreover, the envisaged staff motivation through training and improved group contacts of beneficiaries requires that more staff will be needed under the EB-CSDA in order to contend with the emerging increase in the poverty alleviation beneficiaries.

            All these measures are necessary and requires improved funding and budgetary allocations on the part of Ebonyi State Government. The Government could equally retain and re-orientated the community development officers of Local government area as part of their support and strategy for poverty alleviation in the state. These activities can be monitored, supervised and coordinated by the state ministry of Economic Empowerment and poverty reduction. By so doing, relevant agencies could be stimulated and regulated their participation for sustainable poverty alleviation in Ishielu Local Government Area  of Ebonyi State.

           The study analyzed EB-CSDA and highlighted implications for sustainable poverty alleviation in Ishielu Local Government Area the of Ebonyi State. Thus study was based on the premise that meaningful existence of  and its contribution towards the beneficiaries demands analysis of their project and poverty alleviation strategies to achieve sustainability in its operations. The study recommended restructuring of EB-CSDA considering its unique structure to ensure optimum functioning and also funding support to it.

            I addition a workable structure need to be established between the prominent poverty alleviation agencies and other rural-oriented organizations like ADP and LGAs while their activities should be coordinated by the State ministry of Economic Employment and poverty reduction in Ebonyi State.

            The conclusion is that sustainable poverty alleviation in Ishielu Local  Government Area of Ebonyi State depends on the extent the issues raised as implications and necessity in the operations of EB-CSDA can be addressed and sustained.


Daudu R. O. S. (2002) Rural Poverty in Nigeria:            Characteristics Dimensions and trends.

  Badru AF (2002) Rural poverty Amehoration – A key to       Sustainable Development in Nigeria.

Oladipo.E. (1999) Poverty alleviation as imperative for           sustainable Human  Development.

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