Political Representation and Stewardship at Local Level in Nigeria’s Fourth Republic

Political Representation and Stewardship at Local Level in Nigeria’s Fourth Republic.

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Political representation remains one of the cardinal principle of any democratic government, the world over. Government all over the world want to called or associated with democracy mainly because people express their will through political representative(s).

There can be no democracy unless the condition of society itself is democratic, by which it is mean that, it should be nearly equal among all the people.

For Alex de Tacquexill, written in 1835 on democracy of America. “It is this general equality of condition among the people that constitutes the real essence of democracy”.

Social equality as a condition of democracy does not however, mean the absolute equality of all individuals in all respects, such as wealth, income and social position.

Social equality results in the main from the freedom of individuals to freely engaged in whatever occupation such as business, learning and even sports activities of as representation.


1.1 Background of Study

Democracy as a system, that encourages individuals participation in the political affairs of their society. Therefore the necessity for area representation with respect to equality of members in a society become imperative.

In other words, local government mainly established for grassroots participation to achieve their certain common interests.

Under this system, local government legislative councils established for effective representation, each local government consistency or ward gets representation strictly in accordance with power to be represented for adequate stewards of their resources.

It claim to give adequate representation to the different interests or shades of opinion among local population. J.S Mill says” in any really equal democracy, every or any section would be represented not disproportionally but proportionally”.

It is obvious that if local people were not given any power of representation, their interests are likely to suffer.

In a perfect democracy, the legislature most be mirror of public opinion outside but that is not possible if local people are given inadequate representation or no representation at all.


Abraham Lincoln. (1863) . Quated Cy;prus M. Mustis et.al .m, ” Reading in African Political Thought ” : Gettburg Publishers Ltd, London Heinaman.

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