In this study, the higher the value of the Haugh unit (Table I), the better the quality of the eggs, which are classified according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) as AA (100 to 72), A (71 to 60), B (59 to 30) and c (below 29). (USDA, 2000). According to Keener et al., (2005) Haugh unit is a measure of albumen quality and therefore freshness of egg depends on the Haugh unit. Silversides et al., (2000) proposed measuring albumen height to determine egg quality in which the refrigerated eggs in this study has higher albumen height and Haugh unit closer to that of newly laid eggs.

Silersides, (2000); Jones and Musgroove (2005) reported a decrease in albumen height with increase in storage period. It was also observed from the results that refrigerated eggs has albumen pH closer to that of newly laid eggs. In a newly laid eggs, the albumen pH lies between 7.6 to 8.5. During storage, the albumen pH increases at a temperature dependent rate to a maximum value of about 9.7. (Lichan et al., 1995).

          The result on the effect of holding period on egg quality trait (table 2) were significant (P<0.05). The result showed that albumen height, yolk height decreased with increased holding period. There results are in agreement with those of Scott and Silversides (2000); Samli et al., (2005) who reported significant decrease in albumen height and yolk height with increase in storage period .The albumen width ,yolk width and yolk pH increased with increase in holding period as it was also observed by Keener et al., (2000). The increase in pH was probably due to carbon dioxide loss from albumen of stored eggs .(liChan et al., 1995)

          The effect of age of the birds (30,52 & 72 weeks) on the egg quality trait (table 3), shows that egg weight, egg length, egg width, shall weight, albumen weight, albumen width and yolk weight increased with increase in age of the hen. These results are in agreement with Silverside and Scott 2000; Peebles et al., (2000), Oloyo (2003), Vanden bran et al., (2004), Rizzi and Chiericato (2005), Johnston and Gous (2007) who showed that egg weight increased with hen’s age. Rossi and Pompei (1995), Suk and Park (2001), showed that albumen weight and yolk weight increased with hen’s age as it was also observed in the study.

          In conclusion, the result obtained after twenty eight days of this experiment shows that internal quality traits were parameters greatly influenced by storage methods and duration of storage. Refrigerated eggs were able to maintain their quality comparable to that of newly laid eggs. Egg subjected to airtight box under the relative humidity of about 20.5% also maintained it’s quality to some extent. Room temperature can serve for 28 days where refrigerator is not available and egg must be  stored. The external qualities such as egg weight, egg length, egg width, egg shape index, egg shell weight  and shall thickness were not affected by storage method and duration of storage. It was also found form the result that internal qualities such as albumen height and yolk height decreased with increase in holding period. In addition, the albumen width, yolk width and yolk pH increased over increase in holding period. Most of the physiochemical modification which occurs inside an egg during storage such as thinning of thick albumen is a change related to the ageing of the yolk and albumen. In the first stage of storage, egg lose carbondioxide. Carbon dioxide has dissolved in the albumens during the shell calification. Disolved carbon dioxide causes “cloudy” white” which is a characteristics of a newly laid egg. Due to low content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere egg lose it in a few days. This phenomenon gives rise to an increase in pH of the egg. Age of the birds also has an influence on all the parameters evaluated except shell thickness and yolk width. Thus, it is recommended that eggs must be stored in the refrigerator in order to maintain internal quality for longer periods.

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