Power of Attraction Quotes – Motivation and Love

The power of attraction is an amazing thing. It’s like a magnetic force that draws two people together. People can’t explain it, and they can’t fight it. It just happens.

The power of attraction is the reason why you love your favourite song, why you have a special place in your heart for certain people and why you love to surround yourself with things that make you feel good.

The power of attraction is also the reason why there are so many different religions, beliefs and cultures in this world. It’s also why there are so many different types of music, movies and books out there. The point is that everyone has their own tastes, which makes it much easier to find what they really enjoy when they look for it!

These power of attraction quotes as collected here aims at giving you some of the ripple effects and to tell you how powerful this law is.

The power of attraction is a power of choice, it’s something we can all take, so it is highly recommended that you get hold of it, and use it to help make a friend. There’s nothing too small or big that can be used to replace the force of attraction.

1. The power of attraction is real. The more you let go of what you don’t want, the more you’ll attract the things you truly do want in life.

2. You are the power of attraction. You attract what you think about, believe in, and surround yourself with.

3. There is no better time than now for you to let go of limiting beliefs and attract the life you want.

4. Love is the force that melts the hearts of strong men. It’s a force of attraction; the power inherent therein.

5. What you think about is what you attract into your life. Always remember that!

6. Love can knock you down, but love can also build you up. Love can set you free, but love can also make you cry. In all of these, it is the power of attraction that keeps everything moving.

7. If your heart is so full of love that it can’t hold the weight of the world, it is because there is a strong attraction therein.

8. A love affair is a good thing so long as it is not a love of one’s own for then it’s a recipe for disaster a recipe for madness. But with attraction comes attraction.

9. The power of attraction can cause you to change your mind; in truth, it can make you face your fate. That is the power of attraction.

10. The power of attraction is what draws us to the strength of the heart. We are drawn to love and the heart of love so let the love of humanity be the source of attraction.

11. Like a bee to a flower, the force of attraction is strong. It is the force that is capable of melting the heart of anyone.

12. The power of attraction is what you need. When it is present, you cannot but feel it.

13. The power of attraction is like a pull you can’t resist, just like a magnet it pulls you into the midst of the night and you’ll never know without a chance at love you will never come to that realization.

14. You attract like-minded people, and they have the power to help you reach your heights. So, open up your heart and see that the world is in fact your oyster. The power of attraction is the power of the world.

15. The power of attraction is an invisible force. You’ll never find it when it comes, but the heart is its centre and fulcrum of this powerful force.

16. The power of attraction is like a pull, with each pull, you grow stronger. It’s a force that’s strong enough to hold you tight.

17. The power of attraction runs deep and strong. Don’t believe who says it’s wrong. The power of attraction is stronger than the touch that comes with it.

18. You can attract what you want if you’re willing to feel good about yourself and make a commitment.

19. The power of attraction can be strong but it can also be cold and hard if it’s a letdown – be prepared to be hurt, and if it’s a good thing – be prepared to be loved.

20. To be the one that everyone wants, you have to be the power of attraction. To be the one everyone loves, you have to possess the power of attraction.

21. The power of attraction is a force that will cause you to fall, but you’ve got to have faith and know that you’re strong and that you control your own fate.

22. The power of attraction is like a pull which is always drawing us from within towards the one who has all the answers which we were meant to find.

23. The power of attraction is like a pull; it’s not a force, it’s a pull that binds us.

24. The power of attraction draws us together. Down the memory lane of humanity, love is hinged on the force that binds people together in which the power of attraction is revealed.

25. The power of attraction is like gravity; it can make the stars fall from the sky, or change the course of planets, with a look you can make a man fall in love.

26. Attraction makes one vulnerable to love. In its full power, the heart races with full strength.

27. When you meet your fated one, your heart will know it- your body will feel it- your soul will speak to it- when the crossroad of life takes you to the final destination, it is because the power of attraction is present.

28. The power of the sun is attracted to the moon; it’s all it knows, it’s all it wants. And clinging on to all that happiness and struggling to hold on to that feeling, humans can relate because the power of attraction transcends inanimate things.

29. The power of attraction is like drawing light from the dark. You’ve got to take hold of that fire you need.

30. Power of attraction will bring people closer to bond and once they’re in a common course they’ll all be a part of our dream and we’ll all go somewhere better than this.

31. The power of attraction has the ability to make a man feel like his every decision is right without any doubt.

32. The power of attraction can be used to change your luck and create a connection to that person who’s going to love you more than you love yourself.

33. The power of attraction is like a pull, a pull you can’t withstand, but you can overcome it, and reach to the top.

34. If you are seeking love, all you need is the power of attraction because it is by attraction that you are accepted.

35. A man is only as strong as he is weak, or as weak as he is strong, but a woman is stronger than a man when she is not afraid to lose, to feel and to give. It is the power of attraction that makes the difference.

36. The power of attraction to me is what makes people fall in love, stay in love and continue to do.

37. It is only love that will make one vulnerable. Love will make one weak. Love will make you fall. Love will make me cry and the power of attraction is what teaches you to be upright and not fail.

38. No one would take credit for another person’s success without the power of attraction because it is only by attraction that we come together for a united course.

39. Anyone drawn to those who believe in a world of the mind and spirit does that because of the power of attraction they possess. Belief goes hand in hand with the power of attraction.

40. Power of attraction is what attracts people closer to one another. They keep them in their world.

41. The power that pulls us is the power of connection; it’s the power of the feeling of being near the one you want to be with.

42. The power of attraction is a potent force which draws you to the very thing you crave. It pulls you to the things with all their adoring and it’s the one thing that has the power to melt your heart.

43. Your gaze is a force of attraction, something that can pull you in, and if you got a dream and you believe in it, you’ll be able to make your dreams come true.

44. The power of attraction makes one vulnerable to love, yet what overcomes that trait is the power of attraction. The battle of attraction is conquered by the power of attraction.

45. The power of attraction is flawless; it is the beauty of the power of attraction. The secret is to be yourself and let your smile and your eyes say it all.

46. Attraction is the force that melts the hearts of strong men. When you’re not there, it’s the same as it was before, but with you, it could be harnessed to serve you until the end of time.

47. Attraction is the force that melts the hearts of strong men, but it attracts the weak as well. They’ll follow you like a lost sheep, and follow you in your own footsteps.

48. You will always attract what you focus on. Keep your energy high, your vibration good and keep believing in yourself.

49. The truth is that attraction makes one vulnerable to love. Attraction makes a person capable of having the whole concept of love and staying away from people you don’t want.

50. The power of attraction can be very powerful; it is worth all the sacrifices in this world. It’s like a magnet with a magnet.

51. The power of attraction brings human beings closer to bond, it’s what you seek, it makes you miss, it makes you feel, it makes you want to be and it’s what you will soon be.

52. Attraction is a major force that unites people. It’s the pull that keeps you alive if you’re too weak to hold onto it then you’ll get pulled down.

53. The force that puts a spell on you, the force that draws you to them, the force that drips from their fingertips, the power of attraction is the only one that is true.

54. You attract what you think about. Thinking positive thoughts only expands your field of possibilities and will attract the life you desire.

55. The power of attraction is like a pull. So pull those pants up and take a look, too late for the time when you did and let those pants down.

56. The power of attraction is a beautiful thing, a special power that can be shared, it’s a power born from your heart, it comes from your inner soul, and it warms my heart like no other.

57. The power of attraction can be seen in the eyes, can be seen in a smile. It can be stored in the heart and felt in the skin. There is power in the attraction from the hairs of a lover and even in the height of that person.

58. When you think about what you want, it attracts more of that to you. Make your conscious thought the thing that gets you closer to what you want.

59. The power of attraction makes dreams come true. It’s the magic of life that attracts the right man to the right woman.

60. The power of attraction is so strong that two people can’t break free. If a relationship is broken, it can’t be easily mended and in fact, they can’t mend it.

61. The power of attraction is seen in every sunrise and sunset. It is seen in every blade of grass, and in every man’s eyes.

62. The truth about the power of attraction is that it is a beautiful thing. It can take you to any place you want to be. When you think of this truth, don’t let it slip away.

63. Everything that is bewitched was been enchanted. You can be attracted to anything – and if you are attracted to someone, you’re destined to have a relationship

64. The power of attraction comes from within like a magnet, it’s a force of force; it will hold you and me together.

65. The power of attraction is the power of love. It will make you more vulnerable, more vulnerable than you could ever want, but it will make you more beautiful than you could ever imagine.

66. Love is a natural force of attraction it makes one vulnerable to hurt, but no love is weak, and no love is weak in this game of affection and attraction.

67. Temptation is sweet, but when it’s all you crave, you’re bound to fail. That’s when you’ve got to choose between temptation and success. Both are ruled anyways buy the power of attraction.

68. The power of attraction will pull you towards the person you are destined to be with. If you realize this early, the better but if not, you may spend years looking for what is not lost.

69. In the rule of attraction, you’ve got to understand that you would be attracted to the exact kind of person you are. The person you want to be with. It is that person that will complete your field of attraction like a magnetic field.

70. Just keep on saying yes, and be waiting for the effect of the power of attraction to be at work within you. Be patient because it is definitely coming your way.

71. Like gravity, attraction is a force that pulls, it’s a force that pulls to work with, to work with you and me, to work with the universe.

72. The power of attraction brings people closer to bond into a common course, without any resistance, without any resistance.

73. The power of attraction is the force that melts the hearts of strong men, it’s the greatest force of all, and it attracts the best. It pulls us to our passion and our passion for our dreams.

74. Attraction is a major force that unites people. To prove how strong it is, you’ll have to be under the influence of its power. The force of attraction is at stake in every relationship.

75. The power of attraction makes you vulnerable. The power of attraction makes you weak; it makes you frantic in a mist.

76. The power of attraction is what you call the mysterious force that binds us, that draws us together, into a unity of our own, that connects us and brings us together. It’s the power of attraction that keeps us longing for one another.

77. The power of attraction is like a pull. It awakes your inner being. You’re the one who’s got to go and you’ve got to hold on to it all the rest of your life.

78. It’s the pull of attraction that reunites people’s thoughts of someone being attracted to you and can make you feel weak in the presence of its force. It wants one to look into its eyes and see the greatest

79. Attraction is a major force that unites people; it’s the power that binds the nation. It’s the product of destiny that can’t be denied.

80. There’s a power in attraction that can be felt and seen. When you attract what you want into your life, it will come.

81. The power of attraction is absolute. It’s the power that turns water into wine; it’s the same power that turns a dream into a reality. It’s also the power that turns men into gods.

82. You can attract anything you want in your life. It’s up to you how hard or easy it will be, but the choice is yours. Decide to take action.

83. Always remember that what you put out there will be how others see you. Let your inner glow shine through and let others know that they are welcome to join you on this journey.

84. The power of attraction is a magnet so strong one can feel it pull, and then you know you have reached your goal.

85. The facts about the power of attraction; when you realize that the thing called attraction, you would know that it is an invisible force that is irresistible.

86. The power of attraction has the power to make that person thousand times more beautiful than the one who’s attracted to you.

87. The power of attraction, though not always known, may be used to draw others nearer. If you let it, the attraction will draw you.

88. The force of attraction is so strong that it’s the fire that keeps us together. We can’t resist it once we are enraptured by t. It fills the life of the one that possesses it to the full.

89. The power of attraction is the force that melts the hearts of strong men. The attraction that soothes the savage beast- that’s the force the power of attraction brings.

90. It’s not just a theory, it’s a fact, when the power of attraction is at hand, there’s nothing that you can’t achieve.

91. The power of attraction makes you feel like a butterfly. It’s what keeps others attracted to you. It’s what makes your eyes like a jewel for others to behold.

91. There are no accidents in life; they say we’re all connected. Your pull to another was made for a reason. The power of attraction draws one from one end of the earth to someone at the other corner of it.

92. Don’t look down on what you’re thinking about because the only thing you’ll see is your reaction to the irresistible power of attraction.

92. The facts about the power of attraction are really quite simple; it’s the source of attraction which is all that you see.

93. A broken heart can be fixed by a man with a new heart. With a new heart, they’ll learn to love. That is the power of attraction.

94. The power of attraction will not be denied; it’s a force that will not be denied. It’s a force that cannot be overruled.

95. There’s no such thing as coincidence; a force that pulls us to your side, to hold us in your arms, and we’re all at the mercy of it. That’s the power of attraction.

96. The power of attraction brings us together. The power of attraction is the mystery that’s in us all.

97. Two strong men held hands; a gentleman with a smile looking at the bridge that they held. It is what the power of attraction could achieve- bringing people of difference together and bringing out a smile on the faces of all.

98. Like a magnet to a wool sweater, the power of attraction draws. Like a magnet to a wool sweater, the power of attraction draws.

99. The power of attraction is of a special kind; it is without desire, greed, and lust for possession. It is devoid of the lust of the eyes for it is the essence of a soulful call.

100. The power of attraction is nothing to fear. It’s the only force that unites people and a force that keeps humans alive. The fact about the power of attraction is that it makes strong men remain a bit weak in the knees. You cannot underestimate it.

The world you live in is all around you, if you want it to be so be bold and take the path, no matter how steep, your heart is guiding you, the power of attraction will never let you down.

So, with the collection of the power of attraction quotes above, you would understand more about how powerful this force is.

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