Pre Matric Scholarships: 2023/2024 See Application Portal Update

– Pre Matric Scholarships –

Pre Matric Scholarships aims at providing financial support for students. These scholarships encourage parents to send their children to school. Also, they lighten their financial burden on school education.

Furthermore, they sustain their efforts to support their children to complete school education. Also, they form the foundation for their educational attainment. And they provide a level playing field in the competitive employment arena.

At this point, you may be itching to learn how/where to access them. Just stay calm and read through this article. In this article, you shall read about some of these scholarships.

And you shall be guided on how to apply.

Some Pre Matric Scholarships

There are a lot of Pre Matric Scholarships. However, though some have expired, below are the available ones:

1. Andhra Pradesh Pre Matric Scholarship

This is one of the Pre Matric . And it is an opportunity for class 6 to 10 students in Andhra Pradesh to receive financial support. This is provided by the state government. And it is for pursuing further education.

Also, note. Under this scholarship program, students from economically weaker minority families are provided scholarships up to INR 800 per annum.

However, to be eligible for this scholarship, you must be economically weaker minority students of Class 6 to 10.

Also, you must be domiciles of the state of Andhra Pradesh. And the income of your parents/guardians must not exceed INR 1 lakh per annum. And the benefits are huge.

However, for more information and to apply

2. Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC Students (State Sector)

Also, this is one of the Pre Matric Scholarships. And it is for students of SC category students studying in classes 1 to 10. Also, the scholarship aims to support the study of Scheduled Caste students of Uttarakhand.

As a benefit of the scholarship, please note. The selected students will receive up to INR 3,500 every year. However, to be eligible, you must be an Indian national. Also, you must be a permanent resident of Uttarakhand.

Additionally, you must belong to the Scheduled Caste (SC) category. And you must be studying in classes 1 to 10 in a state-recognized school.

However, for more information and to apply

3. Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC Students for OBC Students

Also, this is one of the Pre Matric Scholarships. And it is for OBC students of classes 3 to 10. There will be 50% participation of the state government and 50% participation of the central government in the funding of the scholarship amount.

Also, the aim of this scholarship is to support the study of all needy students. However, they are to belong to other backward classes. And selected students will receive up to INR 1,000 on a yearly basis.

However, to be eligible, you must be a permanent resident of Uttarakhand. Also, you must belong to Other Backward Classes (OBC).

However, for more information and to apply .

4. Pre-Matric Disability Scholarship (State Sector)

Also, this is one of the Pre Matric Scholarships. And this is for disabled students studying in classes 1 to 10. Also, the scholarship aims to support the study of disabled students of Uttarakhand. And the selected students will receive up to INR 1,700 every year.

However, to be eligible, you must be a permanent resident of Uttarakhand. Also, you must be studying in classes 1 to 10 in a state-recognized school. And you must have an annual family income of not more than INR 24,000.

Furthermore, students of classes 1 – 5 will receive INR 600 per annum. Also, students of classes 6 – 8 will receive INR 960 per annum. And students of classes 9 – 10 will receive INR 1,700 per annum.

However, for more information or to apply .


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5. Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC Students, Manipur

Also, this is one of the Pre Matric Scholarships. And it is for students of Manipur. However, they are to belong to the SC category. And they are to be studying in classes 9 and 10.

Furthermore, take note of the key objective of the scholarship. It is to support the education of such students. Thus, then minimizing the incidence of drop-out in the transition from elementary to secondary education.

However, to be eligible, you must belong to Scheduled Caste. Also, you must be studying in classes 9 and 10. And you must be a domicile of Manipur. Also, it has a lot of benefits.

However, for more information or to apply 

6. NSP Pre-Matric Scholarships Scheme for Minorities

Also, this is one of the Scholarships. And it is for students of Class 1 to 10. However, they must be of minority communities.

Also, the scholarship aims to encourage parents of minority communities to send their kids to school.

It does the above by helping them to fund the school education of their children and by supporting the efforts of educating their children. However, to be eligible, you must be studying in classes 1 to 10.

Also, you must have secured at least 50% marks in the previous final examination. And you must have a family income of not more than INR 1 lakh per annum from all sources.

However, for more information or to apply, .

The above are some of the Pre Matric scholarships. However, before applying, ensure you meet the requirements.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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