Firstly, foreign policy is the strategic policy of a national into an international environment.  It is a long-term plan or policy which we geared toward a common goal and then can be transferred into an international states (Nworie, 2005, pg 1)

In the international relations, dominant actors acted differently form each other even if they are on the same international environment.

Moreover, this actors are guided by the principles which make its possible to maintain a definite pattern of behaviour in their relation  with one another. 

Therefore, foreign policy can be adopted  by  many  nation only  for formulation of actions to achieved an optimum goals and  objectives.

            Then, the question is what is the present foreign policy posture of Nigerian politics?  And the answer may be said to be some how pathetic . This is because since 1960 , the foreign policy posture of Nigeria have been centered on selfish inertest of the head of  state not the public opinion .

Since, 1960 when Nigeria becomes independent. Its foreign policy like some other countries has witness success and as well failure.

As we all know that, the nature of leadership is one of the major determinate in foreign policy but leaders and the head of state, can not stand alone and formulate an effective foreign policy of any nations, therefore before, he  must carry some other state actors  along for the effective  foreign  policy formulations. Henceforth I may say that the current foreign policy posture of Nigerian foreign policy is some how “challenging” for she has not been able to formulate  a policy that will meet up the current and the modern day realities.

We have many leaders since 1960, but let me use Obasanjo for a moment, why did he sent ambassadorial nominees to the senate for  approval without giving  the citizens the  opportunity to contributes to the debates? 

Why did  he only decided on who to approved? 

If he has a second thought on  the nature of  foreign  policy of Nigeria in his mind, not his selfish  desires. It is quickly observed that the leaders  were more concerned with the  internal political  situation than the international politics.   

The federal characters are so bias in their dealing, and therefore neglect the content and objectives of foreign policy in the present era..

Reuben Agbati gives an interesting and comprehensive over views of Nigerians foreign policy since its independence that Nigeria has been extra-ordinary naives by restricting its foreign policy to Africa as its cornerstone. It was a laudable goal before the 1990’s but its evolution is needed for Nigeria to meet the need of today diplomacy as we move into the next millemium.

African as a centerpiece of Nigeria’s foreign policy no longer suffices a broader perspectives its necessary. Although Nigeria has not got the means and might to have a global policy, its should endeavour to take more into considerations the current trend in international relations and diplomacy such as globalization, human right and democracy”

My opinion therefore is that long and successive dictatorship in Nigeria have  used the  African “corner stone  slogan

To lure complaint like-minded African regimes to support their un- popular regimes. This is the price Nigerian had to pay for the support of the dictatorial African states.

Now, thank God, we are in democracy we have to have freedom to speak our mind within and the international community.

We need not traced for any support   from any military dictators  for limited gained within Africa diplomatic circle African alone should not be of foreign policy in Nigeria.


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