Problems Encountered by Married Female B.Ed Part Time Students in Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto

This investigated the challenges or constraints of in continuing higher education programme with particular focus on the b.ed part-time programme of the usman danfodiyo university sokoto.
A simple survey research design was employed to explore the issue. A 4 item supplemented with oral interview sessions provided the data used for the study.

The study involved 150 randomly selected women in b.ed part-time programme of the usman danfodiyo university.

The data collected were analyzed using mean score, frequency count and simple percentages. The findings of the study showed that the major or challenges of women in the programme include time constraints, increasing marital demand,

poor economic or financial base, poor learning environment, lack of encouragement from employers and spouse, increasing social pressure and poor psychological disposition. The implications of study for women’s counselling and education were highlighted. Based on the findings, recommendations were also proffered.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Title page                        i
Approval page                    ii
Dedication                          iii
Acknowledgements                     iv
Contents                        v
Abstract               vii

  • Background to the study 1
  • Statement of the problem 4
  • Objectives of the study 5
  • Study Questions 5
  • Significance of the study 6
  • Scope and delimitation of the study 7


  • Meaning of Marriage 8
  • Importance of Marriage 8
  • Marital Problems 9
  • Importance of Women Education 10
  • Contribution of educated women in national development 11
  • Contributions in the aspect of marital obligations 12
  • Agricultural Development 13
  • Health 13
  • Economic Development 13
  • Social Development 14

2.5     Problems Encountered by Married Female Students in their studies               15

  • Academic Problems 16
  • Wife/Motherhood 17
  • Dependence 18
  • Time Constraint 18
  • Lack of adequate support from Husband/Employers 19


  • Methodology 20
  • Population 20
  • Sample 20
  • Method and analysis of data 20
  • Summary 22
  • Recommendations 23

Rereences        25


1.1 Background of Study
There should be no barrier to educating women. Only when women have unhindered access to quality education can their potentials be fully developed and society made better by their contributions.

‘All religions, encourage women education’ (Hajjia Bintu Ibrahim Musa, 2005) the remarks made by Hajjia Bintu Ibrahim Musa (ibid.), former Minister of State for Education in Nigeria is a very good reference point here.

From the remarks above, women education is said to be the most significant intervention for human and sustainable development.

There is no doubt that education contributes to the growth of national incomes and individual earnings. The higher one’s educational status, the higher the earnings particularly in both the public and private sectors.

This means therefore that university education is a critical factor to ones earnings and development and beyond this to efficiency.

Without any doubt, universities play a critical role in generating new ideas, in accumulating and transmitting knowledge and also in generating incomes.


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