Problems of Students in Conducting Effective Physics Practical in Senior Secondary Schools in Sokoto Metropolis


This is an in-depth research on the that are facing students in the of physics practical.

The research adopted a descriptive survey research design, the population of the study constitutes of about (1413) student, and ( 20) teachers, out of which only (306) students, and (15) teachers were randomly selected as the sample.

During the course of the study, a lot of problems have been discovered, which were: problem in identifying physics , setting the apparatuses, making observations, taking readings,

plotting of graph, lack of standard physics laboratory, inadequate apparatuses, lack of supervision, and lack of appropriate time allocation to physics practical among others.

The recommendations made after this study include provision of a standard physics laboratory, and provision of adequate laboratory equipment among others.


Title Page i
Approval page ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Table of contents vi
Abstract ix

Chapter One: Introduction 1

1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Statement of the problem 3
1.3 Objectives of the Study 5
1.4 Research Questions 6
1.5 Research Hypotheses 6
1.6 Significance of the Study 7
1.7 Scope and Delimitation 7
1.8 Operational Definition of Terms 8
1.9 Basic Assumptions 9

Chapter Two: Review of Related Literature 10

2.1 Introduction 10
2.2 Concept of Physics Practical 11
2.3 Importance of Practical Work in Physics 12
2.4 Laboratory Activities, Experiments and demonstrations in Physics 14
2.4.1 Laboratory Experiment in Physics 16
2.4.2 Demonstration in Physics Practical 18
2.5 Other Related Method 19
2.5.1 Field trip 20
2.5.2 Project Method in Physics 21
2.6 Summary 23

Chapter Three: Research Methodology 24

3.1 Introduction 24
3.2 Research Design 24
3.3 Population of the study 24
3.4 Sample and Sampling Technique 26
3.5 Instrumentation 27
3.5.1 Validity of the Instrument 28
3.5.2 Pilot Study 28
3.5.3 Reliability of the Instrument 29
3.6 Procedure for Data Collection 29
3.7 Procedure for Data Analysis 29

Chapter Four: Data Presentation and Analysis 30

4.1 Introduction 30
4.2 Data presentation and Analysis 30
4.3 Discussion of the Result 41

Chapter Five: Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations 44

5.1 Introduction 44
5.2 Summary 44
5.3 Conclusions 45
5.4 Recommendations 46
5.5 Contribution to knowledge 47
5.6 Suggestion for further Studies 47
References 48 Appendices 51


 1.1 Background of the Study

Today we are living in the age of science and technology. Scientific inventions and discoveries have revolutionalised our lives. Science is nothing but knowledge so obtained by observations, readings, experimentation and realization.

Science subjects constitute a major part of the subjects being offered in most post primary institutions in Nigeria today.

These subjects are so important that the Federal government National Policy on Education (2004) in specific terms states that “the secondary school Education shall provide trained manpower in the applied sciences and technology’’.

The importance attached to science by the Federal government could be due to the general belief that science is capable of improving and changing skills, attitudes, and cognition by increasing pupil’s store of knowledge about themselves, their environment and their world.

The development of any nation which depends on science and technology, hinges on science Education, science has been viewed as an instrument that can aid development in many countries.

It plays important and dominant roles in spear heading technological advancements, promoting national wealth, improving health, and accelerating industrialization (Validya, 2003).


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