If you’re an internet retailer and looking to drive traffic to your website or looking to build or boost your brand, Facebook is a hub that creates endless opportunity for you. Facebook can not only drive endless traffic to your website but consumer engagement. While advertising on Facebook can be costly, that can be determined by the budget you can allocate to your online marketing for social media and also by measuring ROI (return on investment) from this particular channel. There are 4 ways to really advertise on Facebook when it comes to consumer engagement and trying to drive traffic back

to your e-commerce website (or brand it.)

DOMAIN STORY : Domain stories are used for advertisers to drive traffic from Facebook back to their websites. This can be very powerful but you have to make sure you carefully watch these campaigns as they are costly and want to make sure you are converting (as with any other paid channel, of course.)

From Mashable : How domain sponsored stories work: A visitor comes to your site while logged into Facebook and Likes your site. This action generates a story into News Feed, such as “Jane likes X site.” Sponsoring such stories increases the visibility for these kinds of posts, either in the News Feed or on the sidebar.

PAGE LIKE STORY : This model for advertising on Facebook is really to boost your Facebook presence and gain ‘fans’ to your Facebook page. Your Facebook page is becoming, OR has become one of the most important properties on the web for your business. Depending on your Facebook page (Yes, may be moreso than your actual page) consumers will trust OR distrust your brand/website. You can really gain a following with page like stories! The way it works is let’s say Joe Shmo likes your Facebook page. All of Joe Shmos friends will see he likes your Facebook page with a page like story sponsored ad.

PAGE POST STORY : I personally love this type of Facebook marketing/advertising because I believe it has true influence on users.Say Joe Shmo leaves a great review on your Facebook page. You can turn that review (comment, etc) into a sponsored ad! This means all of Joes friends will see what he wrote and they are likely to check you out. What the Page Post Story essential does is broadcast the most favorable post from users and broadcast it to all their friends. This is very powerful and again, has an incredible positive influence.

CHECK-IN STORY : The check-in sponsored story can be great if you’re an e-commerce store with an actual storefront as well.  When a user checks in, as a brand, you can advertise (sponsor) this action so it broadcast to all their friends. Again, this plays a major role in purchasing influence and trust when it comes to branding.


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