Advertisers Preferences of Media Channel Problems, Choice, and Reasons

Advertisers Preferences of Media Channel Problems, Choice, and Reasons.


This research is on Advertisers Preferences of Media Channels, Problems, Choice and Reasons (A Comparative Study of Daily Sun Newspaper and Newswatch Magazine).

This study is designed to find out the level of preferences of different advertisers towards Daily Sun Newspaper and Newswatch Magazine.

This study is divided into five chapters in order to present a coherent work. Chapter one focuses on background of study, Statement of Problem, Purpose of Study.

Chapter two focuses on Literature Review and Theoretical Framework. Also, chapter three focuses on Research Methodology, method and Procedures used in the study.

However, chapter four deals on Data Presentation and Analysis, while chapter five deals on Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations.

What the researcher has in mind is to find out the best channel for advertising. The study proved that Daily Sun Newspaper is more effective in advertising than Newswatch Magazine.


Title page                                                                i

Declaration                                                             ii

Certification                                                            iii

Dedication                                                               iv

Acknowledgement                                                  v

Table of contents                                                    vi

Abstract                                                                  ix


  • Background of the study                                1
  • Statement of problems                                   8
  • Objective of study                                            9
  • Research questions                                         9
  • Significance of study                                      10
  • Scope of the study                                          11
  • Limitation of study                                         11
  • Definition of terms                                         11


2.1   Introduction                                                    15

2.2   Media selection                                               15

2.3   Theoretical Framework                                  27


3.1   Introduction                                                    31

3.2   Research design                                              32

3.3   Population of the study                                  32

3.4   Sample size                                                     33

3.5   Sampling technique                                       34

3.6   Source of data                                                 35

3.7   Instrument for data collection                     35

3.8   Validation of instrument                               35

3.9   Method of data analysis                                 36


4.1   Introduction                                                       37

4.2   Analysis of demographic data                        37

4.3   Discussion of the finding                                42


5.1  Summary                                                           43

5.2   Conclusion                                                        43

5.3   Recommendation                                            44

5.4   Recommendation for further studies          45

Reference                                                                    47

Appendix                                                                     49

Questionnaires                                                          50


1.1  Background of Study

An advertiser can be defined as a person, organization or company that places advertisements in order to target audience or customers.

The entire business of a commercial organization or company starts with advertising. That is to say that the rise and fall of the profit of a company depends solely on the expenditure incurred by the advertiser.

A form of marketing communication used to persuade an audience to take or continue some actions, usually with respect to a commercial offering, or political or ideological support.

In Latin, “ad vertere” means to “to turn toward”. The purpose of advertising may also be to reassure employees or shareholders that a company is viable or successful.

According to Wikipedia Atom Feed, Advertising is the communication relayed from companies to persuade an audience to purchase their products this communication is usually through various form of paid media like TV and radio commercials, print adverts, bill boards and more recently, product placement.

Adverts are placed where advertisers believe they will reach the largest, most relevant audience.

Commercial business use advertising to drive the consumption of their product, while non-profit organization may place adverts to raise awareness or encourage a change in behavior or perception.

Advertising messages are usually paid for by sponsors and viewed via various old media including mass media such as newspapers, magazines, television advertisement, radio advertisement, outdoor advertising or direct mail, or new media such as blogs, websites or text messages.

Commercial advertisers often seek to generate increased consumption of their products or services through “branding” which involves associating a product name or image with certain qualities in the minds of consumers.


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