Analysis of the Effectiveness of Customer Services as a Marketing Tool in the Aluminum Industry in Nigeria

 – Analysis of the Effectiveness of Customer Services as a Marketing Tool in the Aluminum Industry in Nigeria – 

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Effective customer services in the Nigerian business industry have remained import, considering the number of players in the market.

Complaints from customers have characterized the aluminum industry in Nigeria for quit some time. Most customers have tagged the players in the market as unreliable. Customers are generally dissatisfied.

Therefore, the study, a survey research sought to investigate what customers value in the industry which when not provided makes most customer services could be used as a marketing tool in sourcing and retaining customer in the industry.

The survey research method was used to generate relevant information from respondent so as to adequately provide answers to the research questions.

Questionnaires were administered to 185 professionals in the construction industry and resellers who are end-users of the product in Onitsha metropolis.

Thereafter analysis of the data was carried out using table and simple percentages. From the analysis, the study found out that: Customer value the ways materials are packaged and store at site plus speed of delivering the materials to site.

The also valued quality and speed of installation work at site. Customers equally valued the way, and manner their complaints are handled plus speed of response to their complaints and post complaint enquiry by the players in the.

Customer’s repeat purchase is a function of quality of finish installation work, quality of physical product and level of satisfaction in respect of complaint treatment.

Therefore effective customer service in the industry must include the above value points so as to enable any player in the market sources customers and retain them in perpetuity.


Title page – – – – – – – i
Certification – – – – – – – ii
Dedication – – – – – – – iii
Acknowledgement – – – – – – iv
Abstract – – – – – – – – v
Table of content – – – – – – vi
List of table – – – – – – – vii

Chapter One

1.0 Introduction – – – – – – 1
1.1 Background of the study – – – – 2
1.2 Statement of the problem – – – 4
1.3 Objective of the study – – – – 5
1.4 Research questions – – – – 6
1.5 Hypothesis – – – – – – 7
1.6 Scope and limitations of the study – – 8
1.7 Significance of the study – – – 9
1.8 Definition of terms – – – – – 10
References – – – – – – 12

Chapter Two: Review of Related Literature

2.1 Historical background – – – – 13
2.2 Customer services, historical perspective 15
2.3 The concept of marketing concept – – 20
2.4 Customer services as a marketing concept 29
2.5 Strategic marketing – – – – 31
2.6 The customer as focus – – – – 34
2.7 Effective communication in customer services 38
2.8 Customer knowledge, customer selection and maintenance -41
2.9 Customer service and profitability – – 46
2.10 What customer like – – – – – 46
2.11 Customer service and customer retention 48
2.12 Quality customer services – – – 49
References – – – – – – 54

Chapter Three:

3.1 Research design and sources of data – 55
3.2 The population for the study – – – 56
3.3 Determination of the sample – – – 57
3.4 Research procedure for data gathering – 58
3.5 Procedure for data processing – – – 59
References – – – – – – – 61

Chapter Four: Presentation, analysis and interpretation of data

4.1 Data presentation and analysis – – – 62
4.2 Analysis of data from the industry – – – 69
4.3 Test of hypotheses – – – – – – 70

Chapter Five: Summary of findings, conclusion and recommendations

5.1 Summary of findings – – – – – – 77
5.2 Conclusion – – – – – – – 79
5.3 Recommendations – – – – – – 81
Bibliography – – – – – – – 84
Appendix – – – – – – – 87
Questionnaire – – – – – – 88


A man that starts a business with a well-furnished office and competent staff is incomplete without customers to secure the flow of cash into his business which is a signature to profitability, success, growth and survival.

Customers are needed in any business ventures whether privately or publicly owned establishment for profit purposes and sustainability of such a venture.

However, the modern marketing trend, which seeks to satisfy the customer’s wants and needs has changed the face of businesses in Nigeria and the world in general.

There is no doubt that technological advancement has improved economic activities in recent times which has invariably increased the competitive nature of businesses but technological excellence is not enough as superb technology alone does not guarantee success,

There is need for modern marketing experts to know that businesses these days have to be obsessed with understanding their customers-what and why they want it.


Asika, (1991) Research Methodology in the Behavioural Science: Lagos Longman Nigeria Publishers.

Bakers M.J. (1994) The Marketing Bank. London Butterworth Heinemann Ltd.

Bary, T.E (1986) Marketing: An Integrated Approach. New York; CBS College Publishing. Bell, C.R  (1996) Customers as Partners; Building Relationship that last San Francisco; Bernelt-Kochler Publishers, Inc.

David, W.H and Utall, B. (1999) Total Customer Services: The Ultimate Weapon: 1New York: Harper and Row Publishers.

Deloier, W.U. (1976) The Marketing Communication Process London: McGraw Hill Book Company.

Drucker P.F (1994) Management: Tasks Responsibility Practices. New York, Harper and Row Publisher.

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