Assessing the Financial Statement of Business Organization to Discover the Financial Strength of the Company

 – Assessing the Financial Statement of Business Organization to Discover the Financial Strength of the Company –

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This research work is on assessing financial statement of an organization to discover the financial strength of a company. The research work comprises of five chapters and it was conducted to know how financial strength of a company can be discovering through financial statement.

Questionnaire items were administered to the staff of the company and information were gotten through both primary and secondary data respectively. The information gotten was analyzed using correlation analysis as a tool and further tested using student t-test statistic in other to accept or reject the null hypothesis.

From the result gotten sofa, it is discovered that there is no positive relationship between financial statement and discovering the strength of the company because apart from financial statement or apart from money in an organization, there are other areas of strengths in the organization.

Even though there is enough money in the organization but no manpower, both physical, mental etc. The organization is deeming to fall apart. Secondly, without satisfactory quality of product, the company is bound to fall because the sale turn-up will be encouraging.

And without the ability to make sales the stock will be cumulated and the company will be producing but proportionately selling and the company will fall into insolvent or bankruptcy.


Cover page

Title page –         I

Dedication –        II

Certification –   III

Acknowledge –      IV

Abstract  –        V


  • Background of the study
  • Research Problem
  • The Purpose of the Study
  • The Objective of the Study
  • The Research Questions/Hypothesis
  • Significance of the Study
  • Scope of the Study
  • Limitation of the Study
  • The Definition of terms/Acronyms


2.1     History of Financial Statement

2.2     Definition of Financial Statement in an Organization

2.3     Types of Financial Statement in an Organization

2.4     The Preparation of Financial Statement

2.5     The Users of Financial Statement

2.6     Reasons for Financial Statement in an Organization

2.6.1  The Benefits of Financial Statement in an Organization

2.7     Financial Strength Ratio

2.8     Discovering Business Strength through Financial Statement


3.1     Area of the Study

3.2     Population of the Study

3.3     Sample Determination and Sampling Technique

3.4     Data Collection

3.5     Method of Data Collection

3.6     Data Analysis Technique


4.1     Data Presentation and Analysis

4.2     Distribution and Collection of Question

4.3     Research Question Analysis

4.3.1  Testing of Hypothesis


5.1     Summary

5.2     Conclusion

5.3     Recommendation


1.1     Background of the Study

Financial state or financial report is a formal record of the financial activities of a business entity. (Ahmed 2006). It better understood in context of all other components of the financial statements.

For example  a balance sheet will communicate more information if an organization have the information related income statement and the state of cash flows too.

A financial statement is prepared after a specified: say a quarter, year etc. The quarter and semi-annual financial statements are called interim financial statement. It is normally prepared in a condense form.

It is to proved information about the organizational performance and the challenge in the financial position of the enterprise that is useful to a wide range of user and making economic decision.

According to Sampson Amon (2011), financial statement should be understood, relevant, communicate, useful and be able to show the position of the organization in terms of financial strength and weakness.


Ahmed George R. (2006). Tips on Business Success. T.C Publishers, Enugu, Nigeria
Aton S. Mc (2006). Introductory To Business Management, Vol.111 J.T.C Publishers. Enugu, Nigeria
Atululoyo Faith. (2002). Financial Accounting Made Easy Vol.1 Julius Publishers, Ibadan
Bob W. (2001) Introduction to Finance. Avocation Publishers. Enugu, Nigeria
Jayson Orr. (2013) CMA Management. Seminar Presented 13/5/2015
MuhameduSikar A. (2012). Basic Financial Practice Vol.1 Mc Gram-Hill Companies, New York.
Paul A.O. (2008) Money Management Vol.1 John Wiley and Sons, Publisher, New York.
Sampson Amon T. (2011). Financial Roll in Business Chand and Sons Publishers. New Deli New York.
Snapsh (2001) Financial Management For Business Vol. II Gamma-Rays Publishing Company, Uyo, Nigeria  

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