Assessment of Effect of Computer Assisted Instruction on Performance of Visual Arts Students’ In Senior Secondary Schools

Assessment of Effect of Computer Assisted Instruction on Performance of Visual Arts Students’ In Senior Secondary Schools.


This study examined the Effect of Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) on Students‘ Performance in Visual Arts in Senior Secondary Schools in Kaduna State, Nigeria.

The objectives of the study are to determine the effect of computer-assisted instruction on the performance of students in visual art, ascertain the performance of students taught fundamentals of colours with the use of CAI and conventional method in visual arts,

examine the effect of the use of computer-assisted instruction CAI and conventional method on the performance of students taught drawing of shapes in visual art and find out the effect of the use of computer-assisted instruction

CAI and conventional method on the performance of students in the identification of textures in senior secondary schools in Kaduna state. Four research questions and four null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study.

The hypothesis was tested at p < 0.05. Literature that is related to the study were also reviewed. The study was conducted in the public Senior Secondary Schools in Kaduna State with a population of 106, using a quasi-experimental design.

The bio-data of the respondents were analysed with the use of frequency and percentage while the mean and standard deviation was used to answer the four research questions.


Cover Page i

Title Page ii

Declaration iii

Certification iv

Dedication v

Acknowledgements vi

Abstract vii

Table of Contents viii

List of Tables xi

List of Appendices xii

List of Abbreviations xiii

Operational Definition of Terms xiv
1.1 Background to the Study 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem 4

1.3 Objectives of the Study 5

1.4 Research Questions 6

1.5 Hypotheses 6

1.6 Basic Assumptions 7

1.7 Significance of the Study 7

1.8 Scopeof the Study 9
2.1 Introduction 10

2.2 Theoretical Framework 10

2.3 Conceptual Framework 13

2.3.1 Concept of Computer Assisted Instruction 15

2.3.2 Categories of Computer-Assisted Instruction 18

2.3.3 Characteristics of Computer-Assisted Instruction 21
2.4 Conceptof Academic Performance 24
2.5 Concept of Visual Art 26 2.5.1 Visual Arts Curriculum 31

3.1 Introduction 62

3.2 Research Design 62

3.3 Population of the Study 62

3.4 Sample and Sampling Techniques 63

3.4.1 Determination of Homogeneity of Samples 64

3.5 Instrumentation 64

3.5.1 Validity of the Instrument 67

3.5.2 Pilot Study 67

3.5.3 Reliability of the Instrument 67

3.6 Procedure for Data Collection 68

3.7 Procedure for Data Analysis 71


4.1 Introduction 72

4.2 Description of the Study Variables 72

4.3 Answers to Research Questions 73

4.4 Hypotheses Testing 78

4.5 Summary of Major Findings 80

4.6 Discussions of Findings 80


5.1 Summary 83

5.2 Conclusions 84

5.3 Recommendations 85

5.4 Implications of the Findings 85

5.6 Suggestions for Further Study 86


Background to the study
Computer technology is the finest and most important gift of science and technology to mankind in recent times. There have been lots of areas touched by the benefits of computer.

Computer knowledge can be stated as knowing about the various fundamental aspects of computers and the basic skills involved in the operations of computers.

In this present digital era, development in various aspects of computer-designed applications has reached a stage that is beyond imagination.

Even though the computer has a lot of applications in various fields, one should not forget its applications in the field of education.

The use of computer in education as a medium of teaching and learning is called computer-assisted instructions Ogiegbaen and Iyamu (2015).


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