Assessment of Quality Management Practices of Building Construction Firms in Abuja, Nigeria

 – Assessment of Quality Management Practices of Building Construction Firms in Abuja, Nigeria –

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The study focused on assessment of quality management practices in building construction firms in Abuja. The quality of building construction projects in any country shows the level of development attained giving that the construction industry provides most of the fixed assets of any country.

The study assessed factors affecting quality management of building construction firms, conformity of firms to quality management practices and the effect of firm size to conformance with quality management practices.

Purposive sampling was used and 78 questionnaires were administered to building construction firms in order to assess quality management practices in building construction firms in Abuja.

The research findings showed, adequacy of site personnel (RII=0.87), certification of materials (RII=0.86) and project control (RII=0.86) ranked highly significant as factors quality management.

Whereas Onsite supervision (RII=0.87), quality appraisal (RII=0.84) and education of employee on the need for quality (RII=0.84) ranked highest as the most significant among the practices that firms conform with ensure quality management.

The research also established that there is some variations with regards to firm size in conformity with quality management practices.

From the research findings, it was concluded that inadequate on-site supervision, quality appraisal and education of employees on the need for quality management are the major practices that firms need to conform with to ensure quality management in building construction firms.

The research recommends building construction firms to conform strictly to quality management practices. 


Title Page……….i
Table of Contents………vi
List of Tables….……….ix
List of Figures.………..x
List of Appendices…….xi


1.1 Background to the Study ……1
1.2 Statement of the Research Problem….4
1.3 Justification of Study ……..5
1.4 Aim and Objectives……..6
1.4.1 Aim…………..6
1.4.2 Objectives…….6
1.5 Scope and Limitation …………..6
1.5.1 Scope…. 6
1.5.2 Limitation……. 7


2.1 Concept of Quality ……….8
2.1.1 Quality Management in Nigeria…………9
2.2 Quality Management Systems in Construction…..11
2.2.1 Quality Assurance/Quality Control…… 13
2.2.2 ISO 9000 Series ….14
2.3 Total Quality Management Factors…..16
2.3.1 Management and Leadership……. 18
2.3.2 Employee Training on Quality..…….19
2.3.3 Teamwork Among Professionals….. 21
2.3.4 Statistical Methods ……. 22
2.3.5 Cost of Quality……….. 23
2.3.6 Supplier Involvement …… 24
2.3.7 Customer Service..…..25
2.3.8 Conctractor Peformance…..27
2.3.9 Construction Industry Specific Factors…….28
2.3.10 Drawings and Specifications……….30
2.3.11 Constructability of Design… 31
2.4 Quality Improvement in Construction…… 32
2.4.1Quality Improvement in Nigeria…..……32
2.4.2 ISO 9001 Quality Management Practices……….34


3.1 Research Methods……….. 37
3.2 Research method Adopted for Study …. 38
3.2.1 Research Design…………. 38
3.3 Data Collection Technique………. 40
3.4 Population Size and Sample Frame….. 41
3.5 Sampling Size ……… 41
3.6 Questionnaire Design. 42
3.7 Data Analysis Technique ………… 43
3.7.1 Relative Importance Index (RII)………. 43


4.1 Data Presentation and Analysis…….. 45
4.1.1 Questionnaire Response …. 45
4.1.2 Respondents Profile …. 46
4.2 Firms Involvment in Quality Management …….47
4.3 Factors Affecting Quality Management in Firms 52
4.4 Firms Conformance to Quality Management Practices…… 52
4.5 Effect of Firm Size on Conformance to Quality Management Practices.….. 54


5.1 Summary of the Findings……. 57
5.2 Conclusion……… 57
5.3 Recommendations. 58
5.4 Contributions To Knowledge………. 59
5.5 Recommendation for Further Research…….. 59



The issue of quality management in construction projects cannot be over emphasised since building facilities contribute the largest to any nation’s development and economy (Farooqui, Masood and Aziz, 2008).

The construction sector is globally considered to be a basic industry on which the development of a country depends. To a great extent, the growth of a country and its development status is generally determined by the quality of its infrastructure and construction projects (Wasiu, Aliyu and Modupe, 2012).

The quality movement can trace its roots back to medieval Europe, where workers began organizing into Unions called Guilds in the late 13th century (American Society for Quality, 2010).

Manufacturing in the industrialized world tended to follow this craftsmanship model till the mid- 1750s when the factory system, with its emphasis on product inspection started in Great Britain and developed into the Industrial Revolution in the early 1800s.

In the early 20th century manufacturers began to include quality inspection in processes as a general practice, at the beginning of World War 2 quality became a critical component of the war effort as a product manufactured in one of the states had to work consistently with products from other states.

Hence the eventual adoption of sampling techniques for inspection, aided by the introduction of military specification standards and training courses (American Society for Quality, 2010).

The American Society for Quality (2010) notes that in the few years since the turn of the 20th century, the quality movement matured beyond Total Quality.

New quality systems have evolved and quality has moved beyond manufacturing into service, healthcare, 2 education, construction and government sectors.

A general decline in performance of the construction industry has been observed in recent past, perhaps exacerbated by the recent rate of collapsed buildings, prevalence of abandoned construction sites and general poor quality of completed projects.


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