Assessment of Solid Waste Management in Zaria Industrial Estates, Nigeria 

Assessment of Solid Waste Management in Zaria Industrial Estates, Nigeria.


Industrial wastes have major impact on the environmental quality both nationally and globally. The waste produced could be hazardous in nature.

The aim of this research is to assess the solid waste management in Zaria industrial estate, Nigeria. The study employed questionnaire administration and in-depth interview instruments.

The industries for this study were purposively selected namely, Sunseed industries, Premier Seed Company, Olam Nigeria Limited and Nalmaco Industry.

A total of 398 respondents’ within the industrial zone were sampled in order to get information on the effect the waste has on them.

The study employs descriptive statistic in analysis of data by the use of frequency tables and percentage in presenting the data collected from the questionnaire administered to the respondent.

Results of the analyses showed that impurities (9.5%), trash and refuse (10.7%), mote (5.6%), soap stock (10.6%), boiling ash (23.8%), etc are the major wastes produced by industries in Zaria.

The industries adopted source reduction (37.9%) and recycling (36.3%) as a way of managing their waste. However, the effect of industrial waste management practice was majorly flooding (39.6%), water pollution (23.1%) and air pollution (16.3%) .

Which was as a result of dumping solid industrial waste indiscriminately. And that community sensitization (54.9%) is what the industries use to report the effect of their waste to the community as a way of reporting waste to the community.


Waste cannot be separated from human activities regardless of their socio economic and cultural development. United Nations Department of Statistics (2005) considers waste to be materials that are not prime products for which the generator has no further use for production, transformation or consumption, and wants to dispose.

Waste may be generated during the extraction of raw materials, the processing of raw materials into intermediate and final products, the consumption of final products, and other human activities.

Residual materials recycled or reused at the place of generation are often excluded. Waste is defined as any material unused and regarded as worthless or unwanted (James, 2010).

Waste is generated at the level of household, industrial and agricultural activities and is directly linked to human development, both technologically and socially (Bandara, 2007).

The compositions of different wastes have varied over time and location, with industrial development and innovation being directly linked to increase in volume and diversity of waste materials (Baud, 2004).

Waste management is the collection, transportation, processing, treatment, recycling or disposal of waste materials to reduce their adverse effects on human health or amenities.

The management of waste therefore, should focus on how to find the value and redirect it back to the community. Unfortunately, the unorganized process of collection and dumping results in complex mixture, the reby making separation and the entire waste management process very expensive (Sharama, 2005).

All human activities generate waste, though industrial waste have some peculiarities particularly for areas with industrial activities.

Despite the increasingly urgent calls for sustainable development, environmental issues have continued to emerge as major aspects of discussion in the problems of economic growth and 2 development. Such issues were reported to center on global warming; noise, atmospheric, soil and water pollutions, declining of forest resources and Industrial wastes management (Dutta and Boise, 2008). 


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