Assessment of Teachers’ Implementation of Social Studies Curriculum for Effective Citizenship in Primary Schools

Assessment of Teachers’ Implementation of Social Studies Curriculum for Effective Citizenship in Primary Schools.


This study was on assessment of teachers‟ implementation of Social studies curriculum for effective citizenship among primary school pupils in Kaduna State.

The study was conducted with the objectives to: assess the extent to which the objectives of social studies curriculum are geared towards inculcating effective citizenship in primary school pupils in Kaduna State;

Examine the adequacy of the methods and techniques used by teachers in the implementation of social studies curriculum for effective citizenship in Kaduna State;

evaluate the appropriateness of instructional materials used in implementing the social studies curriculum in enhancing effective citizenship in primary schools in Kaduna State;

Assess the qualification of teachers available in primary schools for the implementation of social studies curriculum for effective citizenship in Kaduna State;

and evaluate the adequacy of social studies curriculum contents in the production of good citizens in primary schools in Kaduna State.

Findings among others revealed a significant relationship between social studies curriculum objectives and teachers‟ inculcation of effective citizenship in primary school pupils in Kaduna State.

Result also show that there is no significant difference between methods and techniques used by teachers in the implementation of social studies curriculum for effective citizenship in Kaduna State.


Cover Page               i

Title Page                 ii

Declaration             iii

Certification          iv

Dedication             v

Acknowledgements        vi

Abstract             vii

Table of Contents    viii

List of Tables               xi

List of Appendices           xii

List of Abbreviations      xiii

Operational Definition of Terms            xiv


  • Background to the Study 1
  • Statement of the Problem 3
  • Objectives of the Study 4
  • Research Questions 4
  • Research Hypotheses 5
  • Basic Assumptions 6
  • Significance of the Study 6
  • Scope of the Study 8


  • Introduction 9
  • Concept of Curriculum 9
    • Concept of Social Studies 11
    • Concept of Citizenship 13
  • Theoretical Framework 15
    • Curriculum Assessment Models (AM) 18
  • Models of Curriculum Implementation 22
  • Meaning and Nature of Social Studies 27
    • Objectives of Social Studies 30
  • Social Studies in Nigeria 33
  • Social Studies Objectives for Primary Schools 37
  • The Current Social Studies Curriculum for Primary schools 38
  • Social Studies Curriculum 40
    • Contents of Social Studies 44
    • Planning of Social Studies Curriculum 46
    • Determinants of Curriculum 46
  • Curriculum Implementation 48
    • The role of Teachers in Curriculum Implementation 51
    • The Role of Students in Curriculum Implementation 54
    • The Role of the Teacher in Planning and Organization of

Pupils Progression                                                                                           55

  • Methods of Teaching Social Studies 56
    • Teaching Resources in Social Studies 63
    • Social Studies and the Teachers Motivation in School 64
  • Evaluation Process in Social Studies 66
    • Problems of Social Studies in Nigeria 69
  • Effective Citizenship 70
    • Social Studies for Effective Citizenship 71
  • Empirical Studies 73
  • Summary 81


  • Introduction 82
  • Research Design 82
  • Population 82
  • Sample and Sampling Technique 83
  • Instrumentation 84
    • Validity of the Instrument 85
    • Pilot Study 85
    • Reliability of the Instrument 85
  • Procedure for Data Collection 86
  • Procedure for Data Analysis 86


  • Description of Study Variables 87
  • Response to Research Questions 89
  • Hypotheses Testing 93
  • Summary of Findings 96
  • Discussion of Findings 97


  • Summary 101
  • Conclusion 102
  • Recommendations 102
  • Contribution to Knowledge 103
  • Suggestions for Further Study 103

References                 105

Appendices              110


1.1. Background to the Study

Social Studies Curriculum is an educational programme which embraces knowledge, values, skills, method, resources,

evaluation and societal experiences offered to learners, in an effort to promote positive learning and acquisition of useful skills.

The focus of Social Studies Curriculum is essentially man and the society with knowledge, values attitudes and skills for effective relationship, good citizenship and living Social Studies Curriculum offers the individual learner a rich preparation for life.

This is because it incorporates all aspects of reforms and innovations in knowledge and skills expected of a people concerned with social, economic, political, scientific and technological progress.

As stated by Okam (2000), Social Studies Curriculum is keen about developing desirable socio-civic and personal behaviour of an individual.

That is why it has its central task, the quest to help the young manage the physical and social forces of the world in which they live.

It is such competencies that make it possible for learner to shape their lives accordingly. Considering the fact that, man is a complex organism,


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