Audience Assessment of the Influence of Broadcast Campaign against Environmental Pollution in Ebonyi State

Audience Assessment of the Influence of Broadcast Campaign against Environmental Pollution in Ebonyi State.


This research work was carried on “Audience Assessment of the Influence of Broadcast Campaigns against Environmental Pollution in Ebonyi State” to know the influence of environmental campaigns among the residents of Ebonyi State.

In conducting the research, explanatory mixed design was adopted in eliciting quantitative and qualitative data through survey and in-depth interview methods.

Questionnaire was used in generating quantitative data while interview guide guided the in-depth interview through which qualitative data was elicited. The population of the study was 2,176,947 from which the sample size of 385 was made through Australian calculator.

After the analysis of data with the returned 380 copies of questionnaire, it was found that the people of Ebonyi State are highly exposed to broadcast campaigns against environmental pollution.

The people are aware of the implications of pollution and more campaigns are needed. It was also found that the people are knowledgeable about the campaign and many people have been influenced by the campaign to behave in environmentally friendly manners.

Finally, the level of acceptance of the campaign has made the people to spend much time in consuming the campaign.


Environmental pollution is one of the major challenges facing countries of the world, especially the third world countries. The issue of environmental maintenance has become a prominent, complex and multidimensional case on the public policy agenda of different nations and international organizations.

Environmental conservation, protection, sanitation and management now occupy the centre– stage in the corporate growth and survival policies of most business and non-business organizations (Anatsui and Adekanye, 2015, p.2).

This global trend or focus on environment can be traced to United Nations Conference on the Environment (UNCE) held in Stockholm, Sweden in 1972.

It drew the attention to many unfortunate consequences that arise from human and corporate neglect or abuse of the environment and warned that the environment should no longer be taken for granted and too that deliberate concrete actions should be taken by individuals and corporate organizations,

to conserve, protect, renew and maintain a healthy environment for continued human survival, growth and development (Anatsui and Adekanye, 2015, p. 2).

In Nigeria, environmental issues did not gain official prominence until 1988 Koko Toxic Waste Dumping Saga which also brought to the fore the exigent need to establish the Nigeria Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA),

Federal Ministry of Environment and other relevant agencies ostensibly to tackle environmentally related issues (Ityavyar and Thomas 2015, p. 2). This is because, these days, the issue of environmental pollution is no longer perceived as a mere ecological problem of relating a man with his environment.

It has been extended to all ramifications of life, ranging from sociological, political, psychological, development, economic, cultural and scientific aspects of human endeavor (Ogbuene, 2010, p. 3). Environmental problem can manifest in different forms, and its effect threatens the progress of man in the society.

Every state in Nigeria suffers one form of environmental challenge or the other. It may be erosion, flooding, poor management of solid waste, agrochemical, oil pollution, carbon emission, gas flaring, water pollution, mining waste land. 


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