Collective Security and Crisis Management in the West African Sub Region

Collective Security and Crisis Management in the West African Sub Region.


This research project on: collective security and crisis management in the West African sub-region with a case study of the Sierra Leonean crisis.

This project is divided into five chapters. Chapter one is the introductory chapter. Chapter two is the literature review.

Chapter three is the formation and performance of ECOWAS the principles of non-interference and collective security in the ECOWAS chapter and ECOWAS machineries for conflict management.

Chapter four is the Sierra Leonean crisis and intervention of ECOWAS, brief history of Sierra Leonean, the genesis and intensification of the crisis, intervention of ECOWAS, and major findings. While chapter five is the summary, conclusion and recommendations. 


The African continent has been characterized as an underdeveloped nation in the world, that almost nothing positive is expected to come forth either in terms of political and /or economic development.

Of course, the potential for Africa either as a region or at its sub-regional levels to develop and operate machinery for conflict resolution has been ruled out.

This negative impression ascribed to the continent as a whole, and the fact that several African countries have suffered exploitation during the colonial era, inspired some early nationalists of African origin to challenge both the activities and tendencies of imperialist and Western propaganda.

Some of these nationalists leaders include Kwameh Nkrumah of Ghana who advocated for African political unity.

Others include Julius Nyerere of Tanzania and Tafawa Balewa of Nigeria both of whom advocated for regional organizations and technical co-operation between African countries.


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