Comparative Economic Analysis of Drought And Non Drought Tolerant Maize Production In Gombe State

Comparative Economic Analysis of Drought And Non Drought Tolerant Maize Production In Gombe State.


This study compares economics of Maize production with DTMA and NDTM Maizevariety. The study used farm level data to estimate Profitability, efficiency, yield gap,varietal gap, determinants of profitability and constraints to maize production in sevenlocal government of Gombe state.

A multistage sampling technique was used to collectcross-sectional data from three hundred and seventy (370) farmers, separated into 188drought tolerant maize farmers and 182 non drought tolerant farmers, during 2014cropping season.

Farm budget analysis model was used to estimate profitability. Singlestage maximum likelihood estimation method, translog stochastic frontier was used for efficiency estimates.

The estimated stochastic frontier result was used to compare farmers efficiency based on variety and location of production through meta frontier approach.

The result showed that, 37% of DTMA and 32% of NDTM were within theages of 40 – 49 years. There were no significant variations in aggregate quantity of inputsused.

However, variability exists in output and yield of the two varieties. The averageyield for drought tolerant maize farmers was 2.602mt per hectare whereas 1.55861mt perhectare for NDTM.

The DTMA farmers spent about N45, 000 per hectare whereas forNDTM about N30,000 per hectare. Effect of variety on profitability of maize wassignificant at 1%.


TITLE ………………Page
ABSTRACT………. xviv
1.1 Background To The Study…………. 1
1. 2 Problem Statement …………….. 3
1.3 Objective of The Study………….. 5
1.4 Justification………… 6
1.5 Research Hypotheses………….. 7
2.1 Maize Production in Nigeria; an Overview on importance and production. ……… 8
2.2 Drought in Nigeria ………… 9
2.3 Drought Tolerant maize…………12
2.4 Theoretical Framework on Production Efficiency ………..13
2.5 Type Farm Efficiency Measures …………14
2.5.1 The physical efficiency measures…………….15
2.5.2 Financial efficiency measures…………..16
2.6 Econometric Approaches to Efficiency Estimation……….17
2.6.1 Stochastic frontier………….17
2.6.2 Metafrontier ………………..18
2.7 Farm Level Yield and Productivity Status In Nigeria ………..20
2.8 Factors Affecting Agricultural Production Efficiency …………21
2.9 Empirical Application of Stochastic Frontier Production Function in Efficiency Studies of Maize……………23
3.1 The Study Area …………27
3.2 Sampling Procedure and Sample Size ………..29
3.3 Method of Data Collection …………..31
3.4 Analytical Technique and Model Specification ……31
3.5.0 Descriptive statistics……….31
3.5.1 Analysis of relative economic performance of crop enterprise………32
3.5.2 The stochastic and met frontier analysis ……..33
3.5.3 Metafrontier ………….35
3.5.4 Hypotheses testing………….39
4.0 Result And Discussion………..41
4.1.1 Socio-economic description of the respondents……….41
4.1.2 Production input used for the surveyed farmers ……..49
4.2 Technical efficiency and stochastic frontier estimation ……60
4.2.1 Technical relationship between inputs and output………61
4.2.2 Variance parameters for from estimation of stochastic frontier Analysis…….62
4.2.3 Efficiency estimate based on maize variety cultivated ………68
4.2.4 Stochastic frontier estimate base on location of production ………..71
4.2.5 Determinant of technical inefficiency in Maize production in Gombe state….74
4.3 Mean technical efficiency…………….79
4.3.1 Mean technical efficiency score ……..83
4.3.2 Hypothesis one ………….86
4.4 Cost and Return Analysis in Maize Production in Gombe state ………87
4.4.1 Gross margin estimation …….87
4.4.2 Seed cost across the communities ……….88
4.4.3 Fertilizer cost across the communities……..89
4.4.4 Labour cost across the communities………..89
4.4.5 Herbicide cost across the communities………..89
4.4.6 Total cost…………90
4.4.7 Revenue ………….92
4.4.8 Hypothesis two……………93
4.5. Metafrontier ………….94
4.5.1 Technology Gap Ratio …………99
4.5.2 Potential Yield and Yield Gap……..102
4.5.3 Estimated potential yield by Local Government Areas ………103
4.5.4 Yield gap………….104
4.5.5 Hypothesis three ………105
4.6 The Determinants of profitability………..106
4.7 Constraints to Maize Production in Gombe state…108
5.1 Summary…………111
5.2 Conclusion ………….115
5.3 Recommendations…………115
5.4 Contribution to knowledge ………….116


Background To The Study

Climatic variability and change remain a major factor affecting maize production, yieldand reduced farmers income posing challenge to agribusiness enterprise.

Finding adaptation strategies is a key to the success of the enterprise. Maize is an important cropin Nigerian crop mix.

It is grown both for Income and household food security, it isgrown as annual crops and serve as a stable food in many regions of the world serving asignificant population particularly in developing countries (FAO and ILO, 1997;Ogunlade, et al., 2010).

Its production in Africa during the last 20 to 30 years wasincreasingly becoming popular as a major cereal, grown for household cash and food(Eckebil, 1994, Onyibe et al., 2012).

Maize is also one of the most importantcommodities used for food aid. Since maize is cheaper than other cereals such as rice andwheat,

it is more affordable to the vast majority of the population, and therefore occupiesa prominent position in the agricultural development agenda of several countries inAfrica.


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