Comparative Economic Analysis of Irrigated And Rain-Fed Irish Potato (Solanum Tuberosum) Farming In Plateau State, Nigeria

Comparative Economic Analysis of Irrigated And Rain-Fed Irish Potato (Solanum Tuberosum) Farming In Plateau State, Nigeria.


Background to the Study

The growth and development of Nigeria today as in the past remains partly dependenton the increasing productivity of the agricultural sector.

This is achieved through theprovision of adequate food supply for the increasing Nigerian population. However, therate of Nigeria‟s food production has been low.

Most studies (Ojo 2001, Amos,Chikwendu and Nmadu, 2004, Okezie and Okoye, 2006, Amos et al., 2007, Erhaborand Emokaro, 2007, Onwuchekwu, 2008, FAO, 2008 and Akaate, 2011) show thatNigeria‟s food production in the aggregate, has been growing at about 2.5 per cent perannum in recent years.

Food demand on the other hand, has been growing at a rate ofmore than 3.5 per cent per annum, largely due to the high rate of population growthwhich has been put at about 3.5 per cent per annum (FOS, 2006, and World Bank,2009).


Title Page: ———- i
Declaration: ——– ii
Certification: ——- iii
Dedication: ——— iv
Acknowledgements: —— v
Table of Contents:… vii
List of Tables: ——- xi
List of Figures———- xiii
Abbreviations———- xiv
Abstract: ————– xvi
Chapter 1
1.1 Background to the Study: ——– 1
1.2 Problem Statement: ———– 5
1.3 Objectives of the Study: ———- 7
1.4 Justification of the Study: ———- 8
1.5 Hypotheses: ———- 9
2.1 Irish potato production- an overview: ——– 10
2.2 Irish potato production in Nigeria: ——– 16
2.3. Empirical Studies on Irish potato: ——— 17
2.4 Theoretical/conceptual Framework of Production Efficiency————- 23
2.5 The concepts of efficiency ———– 27
2.6 Review of Analytical Tools ———– 29
2.6.1 Stochastic frontier production function: —— 29
2.6.2 Stochastic frontier cost function: ——- 31
2.6.3 Inefficiency frontier model ——— 32
2.6.4 Farm budgeting technique: ——— 33
2.6.5 The gross margin analysis——— 35
2.7 Empirical Studies on Farm Efficiency——— 37
2.8 Review of Tools for Testing Hypotheses——- 43
2.8.1 The generalized Log-likelihood ratio test—— 43
2.8.2 T-test of significance difference in profitability——— 44
3.1 The Study Area: ———— 46
3.2 Sampling Procedure and Sample Size: ———- 48
3.3 Method of Data Collection: ———— 50
3.4 Analytical Tools: ———- 50
3.4.1 Descriptive statistics: ———— 51
3.4.2 Farm budget techniques——– 51
3.4.3 The stochastic frontier models———- 52
3.4.4 Model specification———- 54
4.1 Socio-economic Characteristics of the Irish Potato Farmers ——- 60
4.1.1 Age of respondents——— 60
4.1.2 Distribution of respondents based on sex——- 61
4.1.3 Marital status of respondents——— 62
4.1.4 Educational Status of respondents—— 63
4.1.5 Household‟s size——- 64
4.1.6 Farm size of respondents——— 65
4.1.7 Extension contact—————- 66
4.1.8 Farming experience of Irish potato farmers——— 67
4.1.9 Membership of cooperative society——– 68
4.2 Profitability analysis of Irrigated and Rain-fed Irish potato Farming—– 69
4.2.1 Test of significant difference in profitability between irrigated and rain- Fed Irish potato farming—- 72
4.3 Input-output relationships of Irrigated and Rain-fed Irish Potato Faring in the study Area——- 73
4.3.1 Maximum likelihood estimates results of the Cobb-Douglas stochastic Frontier production function—- 73
4.3.2 Elasticity of production and returns to scale in Irish potato farming—- 76
4.3.3 Maximum likelihood estimates of the Cobb-Douglas stochastic Frontier cost function—–78
4.4 Levels of Technical, Allocation and Economic Efficiencies of Irrigated and Rain-fed Irish Potato Farming– 80
4.4.1 Distribution of Irish potato farmers based on their technical efficiency- 80
4.4.2 Distribution of Irish potato farmers based on their allocative efficiency- 83
4.4.3 Distribution of Irish potato farmers based on their economic efficiency— 85
4.4.4 Test of hypothesis ii. No significant difference in the levels of technical, alloccative and economic efficiencies in Irish potato farming—86
4.5 Determinants of technical, Allocative and Economic Inefficiencies of Irish potato Farming—— 87
4.5.1 Determinants of technical inefficiency——87
4.5.2 Determinants of allocative inefficiency—–90
4.5.3 Determinants of economic inefficiency—–93
4.6 Log-likelihood Ratio Test of Hypotheses—–95
4.7 Constraints Experienced by Irish potato Farmers in the study Area and the coping Strategies Adopted–96
5.1 Summary: ——- 101
5.2 Conclusion: ——— 105
5.3 Recommendations: —–105
5.4 Contributions to Knowledge: ——–108
References: ———- 110


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