Construction of X/S Band for Nigeriasat-2 Mission Control Centre And Validation of Data from The Satellite 

Construction of X/S Band for Nigeriasat-2 Mission Control Centre And Validation of Data from The Satellite.


A fully automated X/S band Mission Control Centre (MCC) for the Nigeriasat-2 (N2) and Nigeriasat X (NX) satellites was constructed in Abuja.

The construction of the MCC consisted of the installation of the appropriate size of antenna and computer systems used for the control of the entire satellite mission.

The MCC of N2/NX consists of three main segments: the ground station (GS) used for direct communication link with the satellite, the mission control suit (MCS) used for mission control and satellite telemetry and the mission planning system (MPS) primarily used for satellite’s imaging tasks, data pre-processing and archiving.

The geo-spatial image data obtained from the MCC of Abuja and Enugu from the N2 and NX satellites were of specified quality, with resolutions of approximately 5 m and 22 m respectively.

Comparative analysis of N2 and NX of geo-spatial data over Abuja and Enugu state and data obtained independently from SPOT 5 and Landsat ETM, with similar capabilities, showed considerable similarities in resolution and geo-location accuracy. 


Early astronomers studied planetary bodies, and subsequently developed beliefs, projections and even scientific convictions that understanding the solar and planetary bodies will enable humans to truly understand the earth we live in.

The quest to understand earth’s phenomena, complexity of its nature, simple and complex interactions of its numerous features among other things, provided great alluring impetus to the development of various ground-based equipment and methods for studying and understanding other planetary bodies (Gruntman, 2004).

Invariably, advances in scientific knowledge have led to the development of better techniques such as remote sensing for observing the earth from space.

Remote sensing technologies and techniques such as aerial photography and observatories (Satellites) in space have helped in providing better information of the earth (Gleason et al. 2004).

Remote sensing consists of using non in-situ methods of viewing, measuring and/or observing features of interest that cannot be seen with the unaided eye.

Also applied in remote locations not physically accessible by human beings, or too large to explore or visit for study in a timely and cost-effective manner. 


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