Creativity and Innovation in Soft Drink Industry

Creativity and Innovation in Soft Drink Industry.


This project work is centered on creativity and innovation in the soft drink industry (The Study of Seven-Up Bottling Company Plc Enugu).

The project  work is aimed at accessing and addressing the Impact of Creativity and Innovation, Problems, and Challenges Encountered by Management in Making the Company to thrive in a Global Competitive Environment.

The  work employed the use of historical method, to review related literature in chapter two. In chapter three the survey research plan was used in questionnaire form concerning creativity and innovation in a soft drink industry.

However, the stratified random sampling approach was adopted in selecting the sample size for the study.

Furthermore, five hypotheses were formulated in line with the problems and objectives of the study.

Data collected were analyzed and presented with tables and percentages, chi-square statistical test was used in testing the hypotheses, the following results emerged:

That motivational incentives for creativity and innovation have encouraged the exploration of hidden talents in the work place, there is significant relationship between creativity and improvement in profit and market share, there are no  relationships between creativity and loss of job in soft drink industry.

In view of the findings the following were recommended in the research work: to create enabling environment to improve employees creative ability, insulation of effective channel of communication, create a proper motivational incentive, employee to welcome change through technical training and  management should give adequate support to their employees when embarking on creative process.

Overall it is believed that the strict application of the recommendation would lead to further progress of achievements of organizational objectives of the soft drink industry.


Background Of Study

It is obvious that by “creation” we generally mean the words and pictures, the sound and music, the models that are projected and may be, even associations with such sports, films and other personalities who typify such role model.

This is understandable.After all, these are the most visible element of improving growth and development in organization. Creativity is an asset impossible to financially quantify a prior in an organization (Amabile, 2002:52).

Before a product or service is available to the market, the number of sales of that product/service will determine whether or not money will spent or completely wanted (Sulton, 2004:4).

Generally, creativity can be understood as the only one or the only important component of generating and designing of the service development especially now that global competitiveness is trying to thrive for companies survivals.

Cannon (2005:98) points out that young creative talent that aspire for jobs for manufacturing and service industries are not sufficient into the  highly demanding work.


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