Design And Fabrication Of Electrical Motorized Bicycle Wheelchair

Design And Fabrication Of Electrical Motorized Bicycle Wheelchair


This paper is on the design and fabrication of an electrical motorized  bicycle wheelchair. The units of the wheelchair are first constructed before being assembled to form wheelchair.

The usage is outlined and the assessment of performance of the machine was carried out based on the wheelchair.

The wheelchair is recommended for both inward and outward movements of the disabled. The procedure adopted in writing this project is to achieve the aforementioned purpose.

Chapter one deals with the introduction, chapter two deals with literature review, chapter three deals with the material and method.

Chapter four deals with procedures of fabrication of the wheelchair, chapter five deals with conclusion and recommendation of the project and recognition of needs.


Tile page       i

Certification        ii

Dedication      iii

Acknowledgement   iv

Abstract           v

Table of content   vi


1.0 Introduction       1

1.1 Aim and Objectives      1

1.2 Scope of the study   2

1.3 Limitation        2

1.4 Justification     2

1.5 Definition of some parts


2.0 Literature Review    4

2.1 Types of Wheelchair  4

2.2 Motorized Wheelchair  6

2.3 Operation Principle of wheelchair    6


3.0 Materials used in the design and fabrication of motorized  Bicycle wheelchair       7

3.1 Design Drawing  9

3.2 The Alternative Consideration Concept  11

3.3 Chain drive design   12

3.4 Analysis and Calculation of the Link Mechanism    15

3.5 Maximum and Minimum Speed of the Bicycle    17

3.6 Power Capacity of the Machine   18

3.7 Design Analysis of an electric Motor          19


4.0 Fabrication Tools      22

4.1 Procedure     22

4.3 Finishing Method   23

4.4 Test and Evaluation  23


5.0 Conclusion      24

5 .1 Summary    24

5 .2 Recommendation      24

5.3 Finished Photo     25

References         26


This modern day has brought about a high demand for comfort ability. The ease of disability of humans and their helps are so overwhelming. With this comes the choice of designing an electrically operated motorized bicycle wheelchair to meet up with the demand of the users. ‘

An electrical motorized bicycle wheelchair is a wheelchair that is propelled by means of an electric motor rather than manual power.

Motorized bicycle wheelchairs are useful for those unable to propel a manual wheelchair or who may need to use a wheelchair for distance or over terrain which would be fatiguing in a manual wheelchair.

Furthermore, they may also be used not just by people with traditional mobility impairments, but also by people with cardiovascular and fatigue based conditions.

Any disabled person with a mobility, fatigue or pain- based impairment issues may find a power chair advantageous in some circumstances.

However, existing prescription practices generally means that power chair for such use must be private procured or hired for the occasions.


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