Design and Implementation of a Computerized Library Offense Documentation System

Design and Implementation of a Computerized Library Offense Documentation System.


A library is an institution of knowledge acquisition and learning; it provides invaluable serves to students, information server and to a wider local community.

Several libraries have suffered failure as a result of inadequate management and incapacitations in handling sensitive information as regards members of the library.

This research, therefore, aimed at developing a library offence documentation system, which will help to keep records of library offenders.

In the course of the development of this new system, the current system was analytically and critically studied or assessed and thus the identified strengths and weaknesses were highlighted and a new system was designed for the weakness.


A library is a Latin word “liber” means book is an organized & collection of information resources made accessible to a defined community for reference or borrowing. It provides physical or digital access to materials, and may be a physical building or room, or a virtual space.

Globally library is an emerging knowledge-based society of the twenty first century because people need information to sustain their growth development.

Intellectual capital investments knowledge and information have become wealth generators which make library a vital tool since it is repositories of reference resource, stacked with books and other information dissembling sources.

A library is an institution of knowledge acquisition and learning; it provides invaluable serves to students, information server and to a wider local community (Ugah, 2007).


Casson, Lionel (11 August 2002).Libraries in the Ancient World . Yale University Press. p. 3. Retrieved 7 March2012.
Krasner-Khait, Barbara (2010).”History Magazine” . .Retrieved 5 March 2012.
Library – Definition and More from theFree Merriam-Webster Dictionary” .
Library … collection of books, public orprivate; room or building where these arekept; similar collection of films, records,computer routines, etc. or place wherethey are kept; series of books issued insimilar bindings as set.”–Allen, R. E., ed.(1984) The Pocket Oxford Dictionary ofCurrent English. Oxford: Clarendon Press; p.42
Maclay, Kathleen (6 May 2003). “Claycuneiform tablets from ancient Mesopotamia to be placed online” Retrieved 5 March 2012.

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