Design and Implementation of a Web-Based Social Networking Site for Staff and Students

Design and Implementation of a Web-Based Social Networking Site for Staff and Students


Recently, online Social Networking Sites (SNSs) have exploded in popularity. Numerous sites are dedicated to finding and maintaining contacts and to locating and sharing different types of content.

Online social networks represent a new kind of information network that differs significantly from existing networks. Results showed that participants often use the internet, especially social networking sites, to connect and reconnect with friends and family members.

Objectives are to enable online contexts to strengthen different aspects of offline connections, and to promote individuality in a social context within the community.

Meanwhile to bring about the social medium that will present the students and staff with ethical decisions about self disclosure and acceptable behavior.


Title page – – – – – – – – ii
Certification – – – – – – – – iii
Approval page – – – – – – – – iv
Dedication – – – – – – – – v
Acknowledgment – – – – – – – – vi
Table of contents – – – – – – – – vii
Abstract – – – – – – – – x
Chapter One: Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the study – – – – – – 1
1.2 Statement of the problem – – – – – – 1
1.3 Objective of the study – – – – – – 1
1.4 Significance of the study – – – – – – 2
1.5 Scope of the study – – – – – – 2
1.6 Definition of terms – – – – – – 2
Chapter Two: Literature Review 4
2.1 Theoretical background – – – – – 4
2.2 Connections beyond the classroom – – – – – 5
2.3 The use of social media in admissions, outreach, or engagement – 6
2.4 Uses of social media within IT – – – – – 6
2.5 Uses of social media in the classroom – – – – 7
2.6 Uses of social media by libraries – – – – – 7
2.7 Uses of social media in establishing relationships and Strengthening the existing ones
among youths – – – – – – – – – 8
2.8 Connection in both schools and working places – – – – 9
2.9 Typical features of social networking sites – – – – – 10
2.10 Additional features of social networking sites – – – 11
2.11 Educational applications of social networking sites – – – – 11
Chapter Three: System Analysis and Methodology 13
3.1 Methodology – – – – – – 13
3.2 Analysis of the present system – – – 13
3.3 Weaknesses and problems identified in the present system. – – – 13
3.4 Data flow diagram of the present system – – – – – 15
3.5 Analysis of the proposed system – – – – – – 16
3.6 Justification of the proposed system – – – – – – 16
3.7 High level model of the proposed system – – – – 17
Chapter Four: System Design and Implementation 18
4.1 Concept of the system design – – – – – – 18
4.2 System architecture – – – – – – 18
4.3 Implementation – – – – – 19
Chapter Five: Summary and Conclusions
5.1 Summary – – – – – – – 22
5.2 Conclusion – – – – – – – 22
5.3 Recommendation – – – – – – – 22
References – – – – – – – 24
Appendix A: Program Listing
Appendix B: Sample Outputs


Social networking is a phenomenon which has existed since society began. Human beings have always sought to live in social environments. The proliferation of social networking sites (SNS) and their pervasion in everyday practices is affecting how societies manage their social networks.

To a significant extent, SNS have shifted local networking to the internet. In less than five years, these sites have grown from a niche online activity into a phenomenon, 4 through which tens of millions of the internet users are connected both their leisure time, and at work, and also at school.

Networking is a system of trying to meet and talk to other people who may be useful to you in your work.


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