Design and Implementation of an Online System for Domestic Flight Customer Information Management System

Design and Implementation of an Online System for Domestic Flight Customer Information Management System


The airline industry has always been famous for its continuous struggle: cutting costs, managing fluctuating demand, keeping up with tight quality requirements while trying to maintain superior services and satisfy the needs of various customer groups. Customer satisfaction has been on very low levels for decades.

According to the American Customer Satisfaction Index, airline industry scores lowest out of 47 other industries.

However, the demand for air transportation has been stable and despite the current economic crisis and such events as of September 11, the growth reached 7.8% in 2011 (Datamonitor, 2011).

In this struggling environment, airlines are forced to shift their focus toward customer-oriented service quality (Chang & Yeh, 2002).

Statement of Problems

As the aviation industry is expanding, a lot of airlines are coming up. The passengers need to book for their flight tickets. The manual method of going to their local offices to book for their flight ticket is becoming obsolete and tasking.

Flight schedule information needs to be publicized to passengers. Hence there is a need for a wide range of publicity and enabling direct information passage to the public.

The manual and poorly automated system lack immediate response to aerospace managers and other operators needs due to the bureaucratic nature of the system.

Furthermore, the non-computerized system consumes a lot of stationaries like writing papers and is very cumbersome to operate.


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