Design and Implementation of Food and Drugs Authenticating System

Design and Implementation of Food and Drugs Authenticating System.


Counterfeiting is the concern of everyone – the consumers and the manufacturers alike.

Drugs and food counterfeiting has been on the increased, the market is not sought for and the income is on the high side but to the detriment of both the consumers, suppliers and manufacturers.

Technology can be of utmost importance in this area via the development of an authenticating system with a unified database that will authenticate all registered food and drugs.

The food and drug authenticating systems will confirm the truth of an attribute of a single piece of data claimed true by an entity.

The National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC), Nigeria will be a case study whereby the general public can instantly authenticate any food/drug before purchase and consumption and any failed authentication will be temporary blacklisted for further investigation.


‘Counterfeiting is a huge problem for the pharmaceutical market. Access to prescription drugs outside of controlled pipeline is becoming a much larger issue, especially with the ability to obtain prescription drugs online.

This is an area there need to be more focus to ensure consumer protection’, said Troy Turley (Director, Market Development of Chesapeake Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Packing) in Tracking and Tracing Pharmaceutical Products by Marie Redding (2011).

In a general and simple term, an established procedure or a collection of components (hardware, software and people etcetera), functioning as a unified whole to the achievement of a collective goal is called a system.


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