Design and Implementation of Xtm for Navigating News Domain

Design and Implementation of Xtm for Navigating News Domain


In this present age, the challenge is no longer the availability of information but the appropriate information. This challenge is attributed to the fact that information is highly unstructured.

Also in many areas of knowledge, concepts and relationships become so complex because they are not structured and as such it is difficult to organize and navigate the information clearly and logically.

Thus, alternative information-organization techniques are required to be able to effectively and efficiently navigate and retrieve information from systems, web included.

By using an innovative technology – XTM for organizing and representing knowledge out of a specific domain, such as news domain, an XTM-based ontology for news domain is developed in this thesis with loads of advantages; for reuse, sharing, and interoperability of knowledge structure.

The information becomes structured and the Scope attribute of topics in XTM is used to classify and retrieve information, which will mostly reduce the information querying time.

To this end, this thesis, implements a web-based application named which is capable of resolving dead links issue.


The availability of information and its related traffic on the internet is always on the rise. For example; book vendors, news agencies and organizations, or business enterprise in general owned by individuals and organizations have been rapidly shifted to the internet, courtesy of web applications.

It is often said that in human history the web is possibly the richest information depository; Dichev and Dicheva (2001).

Seeking information is a familiar and important human activity. Most often, we are involved in the use of websites and networked information management systems to surf for information.

Whatever information users decide to surf for, the tendency that it can be found somewhere in the digital globe is high. But in most cases, surfing for information is not always effective or efficient.


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