Design, Implementation and Simulation of Prepaid Meter, Theft Monitoring System with SMS Alert

Design, Implementation and Simulation of Prepaid Meter, Theft Monitoring System with SMS Alert.


A prepaid meter monitoring system with SMS alert is designed simulated and constructed using microcontroller to achieve a unique transmission of SMS messages to designated mobile phone numbers.  The work is a response to the  need to checkmate commercial energy losses in utility electrical distribution system.

The system utilizes a normally open micro-switch incorporated into the monitoring system to detect when the prepaid meter cover is opened.

The system triggers a series of actions which eventually lead to the sending of an SMS alert message to the GSM mobile phones at the commercial unit of the utility Electricity Distribution Company which contains the meter number and address where the tamper/theft originates.

The system also triggers an alarm system to alert the individual within the vicinity that an intruder has tampered with the meter in order to commit fraud/energy theft. The system utilizes the existing GSM networks and protocols through the modem interface.

When the messages are sent to the designated mobile phones the messages are also retained at the memory card interfaced to the modem which can be retrieved when the need arises.


Title page      i

Declaration    ii

Certification     iii

Acknowledgement    iv

Dedication v

Table of contents  vi

List of table       x

List of figures    xi

Symbols and abbreviations       xiii

Abstract   xvi

CHAPTER ONE Introduction

1.1     Background of the Study     1

1.2     Electricity Theft Mechanisms           4

1.3     Causes of Electricity Theft

1.4     Existing Ways of Tackling Electricity Theft        7

1.5     Electricity Theft Identification In Distribution System     9

1.6     Aims and Objectives    15

1.7     Justification of the Study    15

1.8     Scope of the Study  15

1.9     Limitations of the Study    16

CHAPTER TWO Literature Review

2.1 Related Works On Power Theft Identification   17


3.1     Simulation     23

3.2     Construction         25

3.3     The Design Circuits 25

3.4     Power Supply Unit           26

3.5     Battery Charging Unit        33

3.6.    The Normally Open Micro-Switch     36

3.6.1  Detection System   36

3.7     Transistor Driver    39

3.8     Transfer Function of the Output Filter  42

3.9     Microcontroller      43

3.9.1  Pin Description of the AT89C52 Microcontroller   45

3.9.2  The Ports Description of AT89C52    46

3.9.3  Instruction Set of the AT89C52 Microcontroller    48

3.9.4  Software Algorithm    49

3.9.5  Serial Communication in Microcontroller             49

3.10   The Wireless Communication System     50

3.10.1 Short Message Service (SMS) Principle       51

3.10.2 The Working Principles of SMS         52

  • Short Message Service Center  (SMSC)         54
  • Gateway Mobile Switching Center (GMSC) 54

3.10.5 SMS Network Cellular Components          55

3.10.6 SMS Subscriber Services    57

3.11             GSM Modem Type   57

3.11.1 Communication with GSM Modem      57

3.11.2 GSM USB Cable    58


4.1     System Circuit Diagram      60

4.2     The Functions of the Components in the System Circuit Diagram   62

4.3     Results and Discussions 66

4.4     The simulation Tests  carried out      67

4..4.1 No Theft Condition      67

4.4.2  Theft Condition       77

4.4.3   The Transistor Switching Time under Theft and on no Theft Conditions                                                                       89

4.4.4  The Transfer Function Magnitude and Phase Plot      91

4.5     Hardware Implementation     94

4.6     Completed Packaging of the Prepaid Meter Monitoring System   95

4.7 GSM Mobile Phone at Customer Unit of Utility Electricity Distribution Center    96

4.8     Validation the Results       97

CHAPTER FIVE Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1     Summary             102

5.2     Conclusion      103

5.3     Recommendation    104

References          106

Appendixes   113


(Sule, 2010), described Power System as a network that provides regions, Industries and homes with electrical energy. He also stated that electricity generation, transmission and distribution are three stages of delivering electricity to consumers.

This power system is known as the grid and can be broadly divided into the generators that supply the power, the transmission system that carries the power from the generating centers to the load centers and the distribution system that feeds the power to nearby homes and industries.

The distribution system is a part of power systems which is dedicated to delivering electrical energy to the end user. The planning and the design of electrical supply system are everyday task for engineers in the electric utilities companies.


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