Development of the Framework on Cooperative Education for Enhancing Skill Acquisition of Radio, Television and Electronic Work in Technical Colleges in Southeastern States of Nigeria

 – Development of the Framework on Cooperative Education for Enhancing Skill Acquisition of Radio, Television and Electronic Work in Technical Colleges in Southeastern States of Nigeria –

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One of the goals of Technical Vocational Education (TVE) according to  National Policy on Education (NPE, 2004) is to give training and impart necessary skills to individuals who shall be self reliant economically.

A major problem confronting TVE  in Nigeria  today is rooted in the failure of technical colleges to impart appropriate skills, knowledge and attitudes to the students for gainful or self- employment upon  graduation.

The problem has been largely dependent on shortfall in training facilities (work shop, equipment, tools etc.) according to Olaitan et al (1999)and Okorie (2000), as well as imbalance between theory and practice (Akpan, 2003) among others.

The research study developed a framework on cooperative education for enhancing skill acquisition of Radio, Television and Electronic work (RTVE) students of technical colleges in South Eastern States.

Survey research design was adopted in carrying out of the study. Six research questions and three null hypotheses guided the study.

A structured questionnaire with six sections was used as the instrument for data collection. It was validated by three experts who were not part of the study.


1.1 Background of Study

The level of development of a nation’s industry and commerce is a reflection of the international status of the country.

The survival of Nigeria as a self-reliant,  economically  sufficient and technologically advanced nation largely depends on the production of a knowledgeable and skilled workforce. Vocational/technical  education constitutes the  local base for technological development.

The Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) (1981) in the National Policy on Education (NPE) stated that technical colleges are designed t  prepare individuals to acquire  practical skills, basic scientific knowledge and attitudes required as craftsmen and technicians at sub-professional level.

The implementation of the above stated policy objective by the federal and state governments led to the establishment of technical colleges in nearly all the states of the federation,

with the aim of ensuring that the teaming youths acquire the  much needed employable skills which would prepare them to take up their appropriate roles  in the technological development of the nation.

In technical colleges, radio, television and electronic work is a course offered under the electrical technology trade as reflected in the NPE (Federal Ministry  of  Education)  (FME)  (2004).


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