Effect of Overlay Technique of Multimedia Projection on Biology Achievement of Non-Science Student of Different Scientific Literacy Levels in Polytechnics in Anambra State, Nigeria

Effect of Overlay Technique of Multimedia Projection on Biology Achievement of Non-Science Student of Different Scientific Literacy Levels in Polytechnics in Anambra State, Nigeria.


The relevance of science to life and society, made the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE), to stipulate in the polytechnic curriculum that non-science students should offer  general courses in sciences.

Biology is one of the sciences they are expected to study and pass before graduation. Biology is the study of living things and their relationship with one another and with the environment.

It equips the students with useful knowledge that enables them to face challenges before and after graduation. It has been observed in polytechnics that more students enroll in non science disciplines than in science disciplines and that they consistently perform poorly in biology.

Inappropriate teaching technique was one of the several reasons given for students’ poor achievement in biology. This study investigated the effect of Overlay Technique of Multimedia Projection (OVMP) on the achievement in biology of non-science students of different scientific literacy levels in Nigerian polytechnics in Anambra State.

It examined the influence of gender on students’ achievement in biology. The interaction effects of projection technique and scientific literacy as well as gender were also examined.

Table of Contents

TITLE PAGE                      i

CERTIFICATION              ii

APPROVAL PAGE             iii

DEDICATION                     iv


TABLE OF CONTENTS               vii

APPENDICES                                   x

LIST OF TABLES                              xii

LIST OF FIGURES                   xiii

ABSTRACT                                     xiv


Background of Study             1

Statement of the Problem       11

Purpose of  Study                      12

Significance of Study              13

Scope of Study                   15

Research Questions                16

Hypotheses                               16


Conceptual Framework                    18

Biology in the curriculum of Polytechnic         18

Concept of Multimedia                         22

Projection Technique                           28

Concept of Scientific Literacy            33

Concept of Gender                           39

Theoretical Framework                  43

Cognitive theory of multimedia         43

Review of Empirical Studies               48

Effect of Multimedia and Modes of Media Presentation on achievement                 48

Studies on Scientific Literacy            58

Studies on Gender Related Differences in Science Achievement   64

Summary of Literature Review      68


Design of Study                   71

Area of Study                       73

Population of Study            73

Sample and Sampling Technique             73

Development of Instructional Materials for the Study        74

Instruments for Data Collection             77

Biology Achievement Test                      77

Scientific Literacy Test                         77

Validation of the Instruments           78

Reliability of the Instruments            79

Item Analysis                           80

Scoring of Instruments              81

Training of Research Assistants           82

Experimental Procedure                      84

Control of Extraneous Variables         86

Method of Data Analysis             89


Summary of Findings     102


Discussions of Results                      103

Conclusion                                         111

Implications of the Result                 112

Recommendations                             114

Limitations of Study                           115

Suggestions for Further Study           115

Summary of Study                          115

REFERENCES                                 118


1.1 Background of Study

Science is a great enterprise which a nation depends on in order to  move forward technologically and economically. The role of science in this modern era of technology is wide and profound.

That is why science is  receiving  much emphasis at  all levels of our educational system.

The National Policy on Education (Federal Republic of Nigeria, 2004) emphasized the teaching of science at all levels in order to cultivate and develop in the minds of children the spirit of scientific and reflective thinking so that a great and dynamic economy could be built.

Science learning is expected to produce individuals that are capable of solving their problem as well as those of the society (Nwagbo & Chukelu, 2011). The actualization of the stated objectives in the National Policy on education rests on the  education  sector, particularly the school with teachers being the actual actors (Udofot, 2005).

The significance and relevance of science to life and society is not  in doubt.  This made the National Board for Technical Education (1999) to reemphasize the teaching of science to non-science students in Polytechnics, in such a  way that students will acquire fundamental knowledge in science to enable them to apply science to practical life.

The polytechnic education is a non-university tertiary education, offering a variety of technical, technological and business programmes at the National Diploma (ND) and Higher National Diploma (HND) levels leading to the acquisition of practical and applied skills as well as basic scientific knowledge.

So far, the polytechnic has expanded its scope to become involved in both research and development in wider areas of science and technology.


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