Female Trafficking as Organized Crime in Nigeria


The study was aimed at finding the public perception of Onitsha inhabitants on female trafficking and organized crime in Nigeria.

The major objective of the study was to look at female trafficking and organized crime in Onitsha and suggest ways of reducing or eliminating the crime.

The specific objectives included: to ascertain why Nigerians engage in female trafficking; to find out the organized criminal networks that facilitate female trafficking in Nigeria;

To find out the links between trafficking in females and the links between trafficking in females and the entertainment and sex industry;

To ascertain whether the victims of trafficking in Onitsha, knew the true nature of the jobs they would go into before accepting the offer, to find out how informed, the inhabitants of Onitsha were on female trafficking, and to proffer useful suggestions on possible ways of curbing the problem of female trafficking.

In order to achieve results, the study utilizes two different instruments (i.e. Questionnaire and in-depth interview) to collect the needed data.

The questionnaires were administered directly to the respondents by the researcher and her five field assistants, while the in-depth interviews were conducted on sixteen NAPTIP officials by the researcher.

The findings of the research showed that; man inhabitants of Onitsha do not know what trafficking in females is. All the victims of trafficking under the NAPTIP shelter in Enugu Zonal officer were not aware of the crime of trafficking in females, prior to their victimization.


Background of Study
Trafficking is a term used to describe the illegal transport of goods across borders especially contraband goods such as drugs – for profit.

Over the last decade, the concept has been expanded to cover the illegal transport of human beings especially women and children for the purpose of selling them or exploiting their labor (United Nations Office on Drug and Crime, UNODC, 2004:1).

The British first made a law against slavery in 1807, when they passed a law that made the Transatlantic Slave Trade illegal. In 1820, the United States of America followed by making the slave trade punishable by death.

In 1904, an international agreement against eh “white slave trade” was created, with a focus on migrant women and children. In 1910, 13 countries signed the international convention, making for the suppression of the White Slave Trade i.e. to make it illegal (Kangasputa, 2010).

In 1921 the League of Nations held an international conference in Geneva, in which the term “white slavery” was changed to ‘traffic of women and children (Wedan, 2010).


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