Genesis of Tourmalinization in Dutsen Danbakoshi Area Sheet 56 (Musawa S.E) N.W Nigeria

 – Genesis of Tourmalinization in Dutsen Danbakoshi Area Sheet 56 (Musawa S.E) N.W Nigeria – 

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Field mapping in Dutsen Danbakoshi was carried out using a topographical map of Musawa SE sheet 56 on a scale 1: 50, 000 and the quartz-tourmaline ridges were further mapped on a scale of 1: 10, 000 to study it in more detail.

Petrographic studies were conducted using both transmitted and reflected light microscope. The geochemical analysis of 21 representative samples was carried out using X-ray fluorescence, inductively coupled sector field mass spectrometry and mass spectrometry.

Field mapping reveals that the area is underlain by Older Granite, Metasandstone, and Diorite as the major rock types. Quartz-tourmaline ridges occur as minor intrusive. These rocks have been deformed; sheared with the joints trending N-S to NNE-SSW, which coincided with the pattern of the Pan-African basement structures.


Title page i
Declaration ii
Certification iii
Acknowledgements iv
Dedication v
Abstract vi
Table of content viii
List of Figures xii
List of Tables xiii
List of Plates xiv
List of Appendices xvi
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Location and Accessibility 2
1.3 Climate and Vegetation 4
1.4 Relief and Drainage 4
1.5 Previous Works 4
2.1 Introduction 8
2.2 Gneisses and Migmatites 8
2.3 Schist Belts 9
2.3 Older Granites 11
2.4 Tectonic evolution of the Nigerian basement complex 13
3.1 Preamble 14
3.2 Granite 14
3.3 Diorite 20
3.4 Quartz-tourmaline 23
3.5 Quartzite rock 30
3.6 Metasandstone 32
4.1 Preamble 34
4.2 Shears 34
4.3 Joints 35
5.1 Sample collection and analytical techniques 40
5.2 Geochemical analysis result 44
5.3 Geochemistry of Granite 48
5.3.1 Major elements distribution 48
5.3.2 Trace elements distribution 48
5.4. Geochemistry of Diorite 50
5.4.1 Major element distribution 50
5.4.2 Trace elements distribution 50
5.5 Geochemistry of the Quartz-tourmaline 52
5.5.1 Major element distribution 52
5.5.2 Trace elements distribution 52
5.5.3 Boron isotope 53
5.6 Discussions 54
5.7 Mode of origin 60
6.1 Conclusion 61
6.2 Recommendation 62
References 63
Appendices 73


The study area lies within the Malumfashi schist belt that is underlain mainly by muscovite and muscovite-biotite schists and phyllites interbedded with thin quartzite units (McCurry, 1973).

The pelitic rocks include minor graphitic and feldspathic schists and contain frequent quartz and quartz-tourmaline veins. Interbedded quartzite units are generally thin but may be grouped to give sections which are dominantly quartzite and units of well-bedded quartzite, several tens of meters thick.

Minor rocks such as spessartite quartzite, calc-silicate rocks and anthophyllite cordierite schist also occur. Amphibolites also form occasional discontinuous bands (Turner, 1983).


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