Human Resource Management Needs of Administrators in Colleges of Education in Oyo State, Nigeria

Human Resource Management Needs of Administrators in Colleges of Education in Oyo State, Nigeria.


The study was conducted to determine the human resource management needs of administrators for effective management of human resource in Colleges of Education in Oyo State, Nigeria.

Five research questions were developed and answered by the study while five null hypotheses were formulated and tested at P ≤ 0.05 level of significance.

The study adopted descriptive survey research design and was carried out in Oyo State. The population for the study were two colleges of education in Oyo State.

This consisted of 55 administrators, 258 academic staff in Federal College of Education Sped (Special) and 47 administrators, 380 academic staff in Emmanuel Alayande College of Education Oyo, making a total of 740.

This study adopted a stratified random sampling technique in which 30% of the population was used in determining the sample size. In this view, the sample for the entire study is 291 respondents. The instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire into two sections.

Section A was to solicit general information on the respondents, while section B consists of 5 sub-sections with 50 items. The instrument was subjected to face validation by three experts from the Department of Vocational Teacher Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.

To establish the reliability of the instrument, Cronbach Alpha formula was used to determine the internal consistency of the instrument.

The reliability coefficients obtained from the Cronbach Alpha calculation were: 0.76 for recruitment and selection, 0.85 for training and development, 0.80 for compensation, 0.79 for performance appraisal and 0.88 for employees’ relations.


The concept of achieving organizational set goals or objectives cannot be achieved without human resource. Arikewuyo (2006) recognized two major resources that need to be managed by any establishment if such an establishment is to meet its set objectives. They are human and material resource.

In the view of Ebi (2007), the resources are categorized into three which include: human, materials and financial resources. Out of the three resources mentioned, human resource is the most important and difficult to manage. Human resource constitutes all the people who perform the activities of an organization (Bernardine, 2003).

The human resource practically constitutes the workforce of an organization and, therefore, plays a very important role in the overall success of an organization. It is, therefore, important to have an effective working relationship between the employees and the employer.

This is because it is essential for the success of the organization. However, human resource differs from other resources at the disposal of employers, partly because individuals are  endowed with varying levels of ability such as aptitude, activities, knowledge, personality traits, gender, role perception, differences in experience, and partly as a result of differences in motivation and commitment.

In order to achieve the objective of effective human resource output for organizational success, there is the need for an effective managerial process to be involved in the affairs of human resource management. Griffin (1997) stated that the concept of management is perhaps best understood from a resource-based perspective.

The author noted further that management is a set of activities (including planning and decision making, organizing, leading and controlling) directed at an organization is resources (human, financial, physical and information) with the aim of achieving organizational goals in an effective manner.


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