Impact of Ifad Community-Based Agricultural and Rural Development Programme on Rural Livelihood in Yobe State, Nigeria

Impact of Ifad Community-Based Agricultural and Rural Development Programme on Rural Livelihood in Yobe State, Nigeria.


Rural development is a veritable tool for fighting poverty and achieving economic prosperity at the grassroots level. The major thrust of this study was to examine the impact of IFAD Community-Based Agricultural and Rural Development Programmme on Rural Livelihood in Yobe State, Nigeria.

Specifically, the study described the socio- economic characteristics of respondents; identified and described the basic infrastructure provided.

Determined the impact of infrastructure provided on livelihood of respondents; determined the satisfaction level with the infrastructure provided in the communities and identified and described the constraints to effective performance of IFAD-CBARDP in the study area.

A-structured questionnaire was used to elicit primary data from 160 respondents. Secondary data were the baseline data of IFAD-CBARDP. Descriptive and inferential statistics (t-test) were utilized for analyses. The findings revealed that, majorities (51%) of respondents were males, with average age of 40 years.

About 97% were married, having a household size of between 5-10 persons, with about 68% of the respondent having an educational attainment of primary and secondary school. The result revealed that IFAD-CBARDP had impacted significantly (P 0.1) on the income of respondents at 10% level of probability.

The programme had also recorded an increase in the number of assets and employment opportunities provided, after the first phase of the Programmme implementation. Satisfaction level of respondents with the infrastructure provided was generally satisfactory.


Title Page…….. i

Declaration……………………………. ii

Certification……… iii

Dedication………………… iv

Acknowledgements…… v

Table of Contents………… vii

List of Tables………… xi

List of Appendices…………….. xii

Abstract……………… xiii

Chapter    1


  • Background of the Study………………… 1
  • Statement of the Problem……….. 4

1.3.      Objectives of the Study…… 6

  • Justification for the Study……… 7
  • Hypothesis:………… 8

Chapter 2


  • Concept of Impact………… 9
  • Previous Findings on the Studies of Impact…. 10
  • Rationale for IFAD Operations in Nigeria…….. 12
    • Impact of IFAD Funded Operations…… 13
    • Relevance of IFAD Funded Operations…. 14
  • IFAD-CBARDP in Perspective……… 16
  • Previous Findings on Socio-economic Characteristics of the Beneficiaries in Agriculture and Rural Development Programmes………. 17
  • Perspectives on Rural Infrastructure Strategy for Socio-economic Development……. 19
    • Rural Physical Infrastructure……… 20
    • Rural Social Infrastructure……… 20
    • Rural Institutional Infrastructure……… 21
  • Previous Findings on Constraints to the Effective Performance of Agriculture and Rural Development Programme…… 21
  • Perspectives on Rural Development……….. 22
  • The Concept of Livelihood…….. 25
  • Theoretical Framework………….. 27
    • Theories of Social Change……… 27
    • Social Intervention Theory……………….. 28
    • Social Impact Assessment (SIA) Perspective……. 29

Chapter 3


  • Description of the Study Area.. 31
  • Sampling Techniques and Sample Size…. 32
  • Method of Data Collection……… 33
  • Analytical Techniques……… 33
    • Descriptive Statistics…. 34
    • Inferential Statistics ( t-test)… 34
  • Operational Indices…… 35

Chapter  4


  • Socio-economic Characteristics of Respondents…….. 37
    • Gender….. 37
    • Age………. 37
    • Marital Status……… 38
    • Household Size………. 38
    • Level of Education….. 38
    • Membership of Cooperative Society…….. 38
    • Experience in the IFAD-CBARDP…… 39
    • Accessibilty to Credit………….. 39
  • Infrastructure Provided by IFAD-CBARDP…… 41
  • Impact of IFAD-CBARDP on the Assets of the Beneficiaries….42
    • Hypothesis Testing………. 43
    • Employment Opportunities Provided by IFAD-CBARDP… 44
  • Respondents Level of Satisfaction with Infrastructure Provided… 45
    • Provision of Farm Inputs…… 45
    • Vocational Centres……….. 45
    • Provision of Water/Borehole……. 46
    • Health Facilities Provided……… 46
    • Provision of Schools…… 46
    • Credit Facilities………… 47
  • Constraints Faced by Respondents in IFAD-CBARDP… 48

Chapter     5


  • Summary……….. 49
  • Conclusion……….. 51
  • Recommendations……. 51
  • Suggestion for Further Studies…….. 52


Appendices…….. 59


Majority of the world‟s population live in rural areas where they are engaged in agriculture (Taimi, 2003). Developing countries and their rural areas in particular are characterized by poverty, unemployment, unequal distribution of resources, acute shortage of social, physical institutional infrastructure and increasing rural-urban drift (Williams, 1978).

While Poverty is real, endemic and devastating, Nigeria‟s rural population accounts for over 70 percent of poor households – more than 98 million people, and about 17 million households.

The 2003-2004 Nigeria living standard survey indicated that States in the Sahel region recorded the highest incidence of poverty, with about 80 per cent of the population described as poor (IFAD,  2010).

Nigeria‟s rural people are the most deprived of all Nigerians, having least access to services such as health, educational facilities, and access to modern agricultural input. In essence, infrastructural and institutional arrangements are deficient at the local level where most people who need them live (Voh, 1983).

According to Thor et al. (2001) rural transformation denotes a rapid improvement in the life  of rural man and his physical environment.

Whereas Smith (1973) opined that rural development is almost synonymous with agricultural development, which has been broadened recently to encompass the equitable and balanced transformation of complex social, economic, institutional, political, other relationships.


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