Impact of Product Planning and Development on Organisational Survival

 – Impact of Product Planning and Development on Organisational Survival – 

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Title page        i

Certification page       ii

Dedication          iii

Acknowledgement           iv

Abstract        v

Table of Contents vi

CHAPTER ONE Introduction   

1.1 Background of study          1

1.2 Statement of problem       1

1.3 Objective of study           3

1.4 Statement of research question       3

1.5 Statement of research hypothesis        3

1.6 Significance of study           4

1.7 Scope of study       4

1.8 Limitation of study        4

1.9 Definition of terms       5


2.0 Literature Review (Introduction)      6

2.1 Review and Importance      6

2.2 General Planning development       7

2.3 Historical Background              10

Products (definition, types, components, etc)   11


Research Methodology      24

3.1 Research Design      24

3.2 Method of collecting data        24

3.3 The study population  24

3.4 Sample size and sample technique   24

3.5 Research instrument specification          25

3.6 Method of data presentation and analysis               25


4.1 Data presentation and analysis                27

Analysis of demographic characteristics of respondents    28

4.2 Data presentation                   29

Analysis of research question         37


5.0 Summary, conclusion, recommendation         38

5.1 Summary                 38

5.2 Conclusion   39

5.3 Recommendation      39

References 40

Appendix        41

Questionnaire        42


The nature of study: Product planning and development process is a predominant feature of every manufacturing organization.

This project is therefore designed towards above phenomenon with special reference to a manufacturing company, Nestle Nig. Plc located at Agbara Ogun state and which deals with the manufacturing of food and can beverages.

This chapter as well sees product planning and development as the actual production of foods and beverages and how it is developed to the stage of which it is capable of satisfying the final consumer. The way and manner by which raw material are being received and processed during the production were also discussed

Finally, my personal view and recommendation were given on the parts of workers and for the hard working personnel, which enhances efficient and effective management of the company. It explains the whole process of actual production that takes place in various section of the company.


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