Impact of Projected Still Visuals on the Academic Performance of Junior Secondary School Students in Social Studies in Zaria Inspectorate (Educational) Division in Kaduna State

Impact of Projected Still Visuals on the Academic Performance of Junior Secondary School Students in Social Studies in Zaria Inspectorate (Educational) Division in Kaduna State.


This study investigates the impact of projected still visuals on the academic performance of junior secondary school students in social studies in zaria Inspectorate (educational) division in kaduna state.

The Impact of Availability, Accessibility and the academic performance of J. S. S. Students in Social Studies is generally poor as they often forget what they are being taught.

The objectives of this were to determine the impact of projected still visuals materials on academic performance among J .S. S. Social Studies students in Zaria Inspectorate (Educational) Division. The research design for this study was pre-test – post-test Quasi – Experimental research.

Total Population of 10,082, was used for the study and Social Studies academic performance test (SSAPT) was employed. The sample size for the study was Two Hundred and fifty (250), and the SSAPT Instrument were return for analysis, t-test statistic and Anova were used to retain or rejected the research question stated at (0.05).

Four research question were analyzed and findings were made that, research question one and four were rejected while question two and three were retained on experimental group post test was found to have higher mean score difference of 64.45 while those of control group pre-test 34.69 after the treatment.

The  implication of this study revealed that the use of projected still visual materials has impact on the academic performance of Social Studies student’s and gender has no barrier to successful academic performance in Social Studies learning.

It was recommended that, Methods such as the talk-chalk should be discouraged as it only orientates learners remembering which is easily forgotten. It has been ascertained that the use of projected still visual materials greatly enhance the learning of Social Studies in JSS.


Education has been identified as the aggregate of all the processes and means by which a person develops abilities, attitudes and other forms of positive behavior and value in the society in which he or she lives, (Ikporukpo 2001).

Ndagi (2001) added that, school is not just a place where children/student acquire education, the school provides an environment that is suitable for the proper development of the learners when in school so that they can become good members of the society.

Also the school provides the teachers the opportunities to perform their numerous but crucial roles in the teaching and learning process. Junior secondary school level is an important level in our educational system; this is the period which Gambari (2003) describes as transitional stage, from concrete to abstract.

From this stage, the students have started developing social concepts, perception and appreciable amount of abstract thinking.

Jega (2002) therefore, note that teachers need to know the resources for learning that their students will use and that can influence the effectiveness of instructional programmes.

However, creative uses of variety of media will increase the probability of students’ learning by helping them to retain better what they learn, and improve their performance of skills they are expected to develop.

Long before they learn to talk or interact selectively with people and objects around them, babies store up visual images that are meaningful to them. For example when they see their mothers warm their bottles or move their high chairs close to the table they know that food is coming and respond accordingly.


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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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